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  1. ghilzai

    Biharis and their sacrifices for Pakistan

    For some not for us and Baluch, we are not Indian, nor do we want tom dick and Harry here because he is a Muslim. Even if Muslims wanted to stay with India we wouldn't because we are not Indians, we would have gone our own way. So you keep thinking Pakistan was created for Muslims of India or...
  2. ghilzai

    Biharis and their sacrifices for Pakistan

    Only on paper never in the eyes of the people.
  3. ghilzai

    Biharis and their sacrifices for Pakistan

    What ever you say boss, if truth is bigotry then be it, Urdu Speakers, these people don't even have a language of their own they take pride in the language of the lashkar.
  4. ghilzai

    Biharis and their sacrifices for Pakistan

    Well if she is from Rajasthan then no she is not Pakistani, I am sorry but Pakistani is only a Sindhi, Kashmiri, Punjabi, Pukhtoon or a Baluch, people who are native to this land. I wouldn't like to see them in Punjab or Sindh either, as it's part of Pakistan, our land, land if natives not...
  5. ghilzai

    Biharis and their sacrifices for Pakistan

    That is your personal views, like mine are too but I can say with confidence many people share same views as me. They are not our people, they never will be our people, they are not native to this land, they are culturally different. You are most welcome to your views and I respect that but I...
  6. ghilzai

    Biharis and their sacrifices for Pakistan

    These people are not native to these lands, those who came in 47 were not native, Muslim brotherhood has nothing to do with it, they don't belong or fit here. Our land for our people, people who are native to this land who look similar speak similar, dress similar, eat similar. Would we like...
  7. ghilzai

    Afghan Invaders and Waris Shah

    Who cares what the cockroach thought and wrote, who the hell is Waris shah some drug crazed working class cockroach. All losers cry Waris Shah is no different.
  8. ghilzai

    Imran threatens to dissolve K-P Assembly

    Fukk Pak Army, so punjabi and Sindhi will not Allow IDP in to their province, well legally they can't do do that but let them, we wouldn't want a drop of water if we was dying from them. We just need to block all entry points to KPK and Baluchistan and shut down all dams and gas supply and just...
  9. ghilzai

    What's up with some Afghanis hate against Pakistan and ISI?

    @Afghan-India So wroora tell us why did you guys sell us off , do you really think we would see you with same eyes again?.
  10. ghilzai

    What's up with some Afghanis hate against Pakistan and ISI?

    We'll western portion is us and it belongs to us natives so who care what you or they think. You guys sold us off for less then 30 pieces of silver to the British,do you think we have forgotten that?.
  11. ghilzai

    What's up with some Afghanis hate against Pakistan and ISI?

    You have too, otherwise you would have have gone all the way to Delhi. Minor mistakes are expected.
  12. ghilzai

    What's up with some Afghanis hate against Pakistan and ISI?

    We can have a vote but Khiljistan sounds a lot better, for I be the king and @Armstrong incharge of food now that would be some kingdom.
  13. ghilzai

    What's up with some Afghanis hate against Pakistan and ISI?

    But it is our land and we want it back.
  14. ghilzai

    What's up with some Afghanis hate against Pakistan and ISI?

    We just call it by different names that's all it is, we call it Pakistan and it will always be Pakistan. Our border extends to Amu Darya just like the good old days.
  15. ghilzai

    What's up with some Afghanis hate against Pakistan and ISI?

    Why would we wanna mine and fence Durand line, our border extends to Amu Darya, you are not suggesting we give up our ancestral home land away now do you, it starts from Lahore and finishes at Amu Darya, we just decided to change the name to Pakistan.
  16. ghilzai

    What's up with some Afghanis hate against Pakistan and ISI?

    No Need for Nukes, we are there in millions to protect our homeland. No mercy is our motto.
  17. ghilzai

    What's up with some Afghanis hate against Pakistan and ISI?

    Well I am allowed to talk shyte about them but no outsider will be allowed he will get a bloody nose minus Pakistanis, Pakistan is my home and family to whom my loyalties are but Afghans we'll let me change one of Kushal Khan Khattaks poetry to make you understand. Pull out your swords and kill...
  18. ghilzai

    What's up with some Afghanis hate against Pakistan and ISI?

    And who was Kushan and Huns and ghurids and ghaznavids and lodhis and khiljis and tughlaqs and Mughals all were Indian were they?. I am a beef eater and eastern iranic language speaker but I am no Afghan, a khurrasani perhaps but an Afghan never. Your stupidity has no limits so I let you relax...
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