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  1. ghilzai

    Afzal khan and treachery of Shivaji

    Pushtoonvali is not applicable to sub humans. Sorry but it's a hard fact.
  2. ghilzai

    Afzal khan and treachery of Shivaji

    He never captured ghuri, even Indian historians admit that but some will not to save face as they got slaughtered an raped by ghuri.
  3. ghilzai

    how badly Indian soldier died pleading for help...

    Well it's quite sad really, he is human being regardless of his colour or nationality. If this video was for gloating purposes then I just have to say it's very disrespectful and dishonourable by our ethics and morals.
  4. ghilzai

    Enemies can’t even imagine what Iran can do: Revolutionary Guard

    Rustam was from Zabulistan which is in Afghanistan, so now tell me how can he be Iranian as iranic people only exist in Persia, ha ha ha wow boy you need some pills. I don't want anything with you, that's what all the wars have been about as we don't want to be like you. Puzzles me though here...
  5. ghilzai

    Enemies can’t even imagine what Iran can do: Revolutionary Guard

    @rmi5 Well good luck to you guys I am not an afghan, well you consider afghans as your brothers lol, maybe you should read the comments of you fellow countrymen about them. Afghans are the true Arians and some if your people are even trying to steal that off them and claim it as yours...
  6. ghilzai

    Enemies can’t even imagine what Iran can do: Revolutionary Guard

    I die for a cause the elimination of Arabs not for Iran, and I know the only other people to have hatred of Arabs is them so it's called working for a common goal. We showed Iranians the middle finger centuries ago, we are our own people.
  7. ghilzai

    Enemies can’t even imagine what Iran can do: Revolutionary Guard

    Well looks like the Ayotullahs have done that to you already, I told you prove it, you brought the name of shanameh. So tell me was Rustan an Iranian the most favourite character?. Was Afraysiabs an Iranian another great character?. I can go on and on
  8. ghilzai

    Enemies can’t even imagine what Iran can do: Revolutionary Guard

    I insulted you because you insulted my nation. What do you even know about Pukhtoons?, not much by the sound of it, anyway just chill ac no one really wants to hurt Iran, hopefully they will be our allies to destroy our common enemy a sand dweller.
  9. ghilzai

    Enemies can’t even imagine what Iran can do: Revolutionary Guard

    I am not iranic please don't call me that. Real iranic people are the people of turan and afghanistan, not Iranians well not all of them anyway. Don't bring shanameh in to because that will contradict everything you said, Poor fools running on other peoples heroes, Eustam Was an Afghan, so...
  10. ghilzai

    Enemies can’t even imagine what Iran can do: Revolutionary Guard

    Well shows you don't know much, Ghilzais are Turkic people, so Afghan or Pushtoon is not the same here. Always pro Iran and iranic people but not at the cost of Pakistan, I personally would like to see Iran dominate the Middle East as our sworn enemy is the same.
  11. ghilzai

    Enemies can’t even imagine what Iran can do: Revolutionary Guard

    Well you know these guys are Persian they have magical powers and rustam will come and fight their battles, saddest thing is rustam is an afghan, ha ha ha. Pakistani Faris I am pakistani not an afghan please correct yourself.
  12. ghilzai

    Enemies can’t even imagine what Iran can do: Revolutionary Guard

    Half of Iran is Afghanistan, fake iranic people the real iranics are in Afghanistan, you guys are just Persianised sand dwellers.
  13. ghilzai

    Enemies can’t even imagine what Iran can do: Revolutionary Guard

    Don't get cocky faris, do you remember the hotakis?. A Faris talking all brave, you been done over by everyone last kick was the Arabs, now a defeat by a midget Indian is not as bad as a defeat by sand dwellers who are our eternal enemy.
  14. ghilzai

    Fence Pak-Afghan Border

    He is a very ghairat mand Pukhtoon saray, he is loyal to his Watan, Zama Watan Pakistan De, we don't need a nation of Ahmad Shah Baba, you people sold us for a few coins to the British, Durrand Line Reminds you of anything?. Guess what we are Pukhtoon too and we don't forget either, so we...
  15. ghilzai

    Why did Afghan pashtuns sold their land for few British gold coins?

    Jesus got sold for 30 pieces of silver, us we just got sold for far less, bitter and hard truth to swallow , every Pakistani Pukhtoon knows this, we know the sincerity of the our cousins on the other side. Down side of it all is Afghans think they can just look in the eyes and say we are one...
  16. ghilzai

    Abdali : a hero or villian for Pakistani punjabis?

    Well each to their own, I see it as just literature which does have good value for learning but they were just bloggers of their time, they saw it through their eyes it doesn't necessarily mean that was the vision of every man. @DESERT FIGHTER For question of Bravery of the Baluch, it's...
  17. ghilzai

    Abdali : a hero or villian for Pakistani punjabis?

    That gets all put aside when a foreign element is involved, that's been our tradition since time. Here pretty much majority of Pakistani punjabis welcomed and commented positively about Abdali, I a Pakistani and my cousin Afghan Will understand that Indian Punjabis and Marhattas & Indians Will...
  18. ghilzai

    Abdali : a hero or villian for Pakistani punjabis?

    Who gives two hoots about what he wrote, he was a drug crazed Sufi detached from reality.
  19. ghilzai

    Fence Pak-Afghan Border

    Some good charas you had today, have you forgotten the spanking that Pakistani tribals gave to the afghan tribals when they tried their adventure last time?. Pakistan is for eternity, Afghanistan is a dead horse that will be reincarnated in its pure form of khurasan. Pakistani Pukhtoons will...
  20. ghilzai

    Abdali : a hero or villian for Pakistani punjabis?

    Now now everyone is equal in Pakistan, our punjabis are fine and cultured people but those from across the border are thick as Shyte and culture with them is working in a farm. So you are mixed blooded then neither here neither there, well if that makes you happy then what can I say.
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