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  1. A

    How PAF Should Counter the SU-30 MKI

    There is just one problem with your post, pakistan signed an agreement with US saying that they cannot use f-16 as a tactical/interceptor against India and if they do US will terminate all future upgrades and spare parts.
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    Putin Signs $2.9 Billion IndianDeals in Trip to Top ArmsBuyer

    This is a good deal, because this will fill in the gap until FGFAs and AMCAs are inducted. I think the rafael deal was terrible deal, we could have bought 400-500 super sukhoi which is a much better deal. On the other hand though we are getting TOT of French avionics, radars ext. and we may get...
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    India successfully test fires Astra missile third time in a week

    Yes, that is a BVR missile built by pakistan, but the design is a modified design of the South African Denel T-darter beyond visual range (BVR) air-to-air missile. I meant 99% ingenious bvr missile. Also it is a copy or a Pakistani variant of the Denel Raptor II glide bomb. Even pakistan has...
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    India successfully test fires Astra missile third time in a week

    What bvr missile has Pakistan built? :rofl:
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    Commissioning of ICGS Mayabunder

    But, time is of the essences though.
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    Indian SLBM with 4,500 KM Range Under Development

    Nope, this hasn't been any conformed and guessing that we are very new to missile defense systems this would be feat if accomplished. All you can do is be optimistic and hope it's true.
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    Commissioning of ICGS Mayabunder

    These two spots are strategic spots that India has, with control of both spots you could stop all Chinese ships and close down the ocean from the Chinese. since, the Chinese are heavily reliant on exports, this would be the place IN would have to hold this position in case of war. Overall...
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    India successfully test fires Astra missile third time in a week

    There isn't anything wrong with buying a reliable missile, but making stuff at home increases number of jobs created, the missile's price is going to go down, when we mass produce it. Secondly, if we get new toys, god knows when we will stop buying that missile from USA because of our corrupted...
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