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  1. S

    Iran plans 'Islamic Google Earth'

    You seem to forget that Pakistan, like India, has a plethora of starving people. You're not exactly better off.
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    Saudi executes Pakistani for rape, murder

    So a murdering rapist is now a victim? Let me tell you, if had my own country and someone was found to have not only raped but also murdered another human being, I'd love for the criminal to be tortured every day. This guy is lucky he's been killed off. The death penalty is the best...
  3. S

    Egyptian Islamists Sexually Attack Women Believed to Be Christian

    Religion blinds everyone. I don't understand how humanity is smart enough to reach the Moon and yet gullible enough to faithfully believe in imaginary concepts. Why should a woman have more honour than a man?
  4. S

    The soft, weak Chinese cite concerns for international law and due process

    Jesus Tyrone Christ. You clearly fail to recognize the difference between diplomacy and law. Personally I think Italy came out on top. They gave you the marines more as a sign of mercy than duty. If they felt it was a duty they would have returned the marines when they were due. As I said, India...
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    The soft, weak Chinese cite concerns for international law and due process

    That's an entirely different matter. In Hong Kong these are all contentious issues that we acknowledge must change immediately. What I'm saying is that India is far too soft in international diplomacy. China on the other hand has a very hard hand. Italy toyed around with India, but India let...
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    The soft, weak Chinese cite concerns for international law and due process

    At the end of the day, China captured a criminal without harming other countries' sovereignty or stoking tensions. Contrast that with the U.S. Not only do you kill thousands of innocent civilians, including children, you start a war with a whole culture, earn yourself a perpetually negative...
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    The soft, weak Chinese cite concerns for international law and due process

    No, imagine China bailing two foreigners who are on trial for a serious crime for such a weak excuse.
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    WHAT pakistani people think about BHAGAT SINGH AND MAHATRMA GANDHI,SUKHD,

    Gandhi is given far too much credit. Indians love him as if he gave his life for the country. All he did was give the British breathing space and much relief by swaying people from the revolutionaries. What many Indians love to ignore is the timing of India's independence being similar with...
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    The soft, weak Chinese cite concerns for international law and due process

    How about you stop pretending to know everything about international law and its protocols, and realize the simple point that the Italians were allowed to leave despite being on trial and in custody so that they can contribute two votes to the Italian elections. Two votes. Can you really imagine...
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    Margaret Thatcher dies of stroke aged 87

    As I said, we couldn't elect Hong Kong's leader under British rule, and I never claimed HK has been made less democratic by China. But that doesn't make HK's lack of democracy right. You can keep your views about why elections for a leader are a bad idea to yourself. Let our massive protests...
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    WHAT pakistani people think about BHAGAT SINGH AND MAHATRMA GANDHI,SUKHD,

    Stop using caps you idiot. Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, and Rajguru were true heroes who gave their lives for freedom. Gandhi, on the other hand, was always a coward who thought sitting around half-naked and not buying your colonizer's goods will definitely drive them away. I have no respect for...
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    The soft, weak Chinese cite concerns for international law and due process

    I'm not proud of the Chinese government but one thing that they have to be praised for is their hard stance against the bureaucratic and irrational notions of jurisdictions when it comes to crimes committed by foreigners. China doesn't give a **** about where you're from when you commit a...
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    What do you think about an Asian equivalent of the EU?

    As Eddie said, a political regional organization doesn't need to bind countries heavily when it comes to economy. The main purpose of an organization should simply be to ensure a peaceful region. If anything it would help South Asia. SAARC has been about as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike...
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    Margaret Thatcher dies of stroke aged 87

    Don't let these stats fool you my friend. There are serious wealth disparities in Hong Kong. Hong Kong has the social security system of land in the middle of nowhere. The UK is far better off in those two important areas. Also, the economy should never be the only indicator of how a city is...
  15. S

    What do you think about an Asian equivalent of the EU?

    I don't quite understand the relevance of military conflicts. South Asia has been embroiled in far more military conflicts in recent history than East Asia. The Middle East has had its fair share of trouble as well. I'd say Southeast Asia is a developing region. Once the Middle East's...
  16. S

    Putin attacked by topless women!

    How do these idiots think they are promoting whatever their cause is by walking around naked? Just a bunch of naive attention seekers. That said, I would not mind being 'attacked' by a group of young topless women :cheesy:
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    Margaret Thatcher dies of stroke aged 87

    Good riddance. She sold Hong Kong away in 1984 without any consideration of what we as a collective community wanted for our future.
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    What do you think about an Asian equivalent of the EU?

    And how is the EU a failure? As Viet stated above the eurozone crisis has been the one major flaw of the EU. And that is only because of a common currency which is not even a requirement for a successful regional organization. EU has achieved its main political objectives, which are to...
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    What do you think about an Asian equivalent of the EU?

    I feel SAARC is undeveloped in comparison to ASEAN with regards to integration and co-operation. SAARC's free trade area is fragile because it is susceptible to any member state abandoning the free trade area as allowed by the relevant treaty. ASEAN focuses more on a common market and collective...
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    What do you think about an Asian equivalent of the EU?

    With all the conflicts of interests in various regions, political instabilities, economic imbalances, and vast cultural differences, it seems like a world away. Optimistically, I think it's possible by 2050. ASEAN could facilitate this growth, especially by incorporating China, South Korea...
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