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  1. S

    Manmohan, Sonia and Rahul among top 5 most influential Asians

    Twos twos. I never even implied it was a personal achievement pal lol. They're all clearly politically significant unfortunately for India.
  2. S

    US banker proud to become Chinese national

    That's good to know. Foreigners in Hong Kong who've been here for a substantial period deserve Chinese citizenship. Hong Kong is integrated enough for that.
  3. S

    Manmohan, Sonia and Rahul among top 5 most influential Asians

    When a puppet, a foreigner, and her retarded son are the most important figures in a country, it reserves no right to call itself a future superpower.
  4. S

    Truth About Pak National Anthem

    Sanskrit can never be a foreign language for India and Pakistan because it is native to these lands. Farsi on the other hand is not native to Pakistan and neither is it a common language there since it is spoken only in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Iran. French is not 'foreign' to Congo because...
  5. S

    Truth About Pak National Anthem

    Its status as a lingua franca died out a couple centuries ago. It's not like Farsi is a language the average Pakistani on the street knows. It's pretty bad it's the main language of the anthem. I believe most countries have anthems either featuring their official language or its most common...
  6. S

    US Black Hawk crashes near N Korean border.

    It seems that there are many Indian posters buttlicking this Yank like India does to America in real life. Seems like these particular Indians have forgotten the Union Carbide disaster already eh! America and India, two undignified countries hand in hand, how romantic :omghaha: If you're on...
  7. S

    US Black Hawk crashes near N Korean border.

    Americans are true scum. Their government has always been unnecessarily provocative.
  8. S

    India’s military strength on the rise : Chinese media

    I didn't see any Chinese media sources in that article claiming the Indian military/army was growing stronger. I just want to say India seems very paranoid with China to the extent that your media is obsessed with China apparently taking over India. The reality is China doesn't really care...
  9. S

    Economists React: China’s GDP Growth Slows to 7.7%

    Western news channels are highlighting lower growth as if the it's the beginning of the end for China. Silly monkeys seem to forget the current economic climate. What do you mean?
  10. S

    After Wen, new China rulers seal their lips on India

    Thank goodness we don't have the likes of you in power anywhere. India has been in an awkward loop with China for decades now. I can understand why the leaders are silent on Sino-Indian relations for now.
  11. S

    Indian General Elections - 2014

    BJP must come into power in India if India really wants to be a serious world power. Your Prime Minister is a puppet from a party designed to make compromises on everything. The good relations between India and Pakistan after the Kargil conflict in the early and mid 2000s is proof that a...
  12. S

    Can Vietnam resist China?

    And why do you think China wants to invade Vietnam in the first place? Because of a dispute over a few islets? :omghaha: China isn't going to be involved in any sort of war soon buddy. America is far more trouble for this world than China.
  13. S

    What do you think about an Asian equivalent of the EU?

    True, but the good thing for such an association is that a single market wouldn't be anywhere near as extensive as EU's full-on economic union. I don't actually think Europe satisfies that first condition because there are countries like the U.K. and Germany which are dominant powers in the...
  14. S

    Iran plans 'Islamic Google Earth'

    Well you told the Indian to go feed his starving population when Pakistan has its own. Sure, he's bashing your country, but you don't have stoop as low as him, especially when your country has the same problem. I'm not taking a side. I'm just stating facts.
  15. S

    What do you think about an Asian equivalent of the EU?

    Personally I think your predictions are quite far-fetched, and if they happen they will only materialize centuries after our generation dies out. I disagree with the point that India will spoil a pan-Asian organization. I just believe this forum's anti-India sentiment clouds actual views as...
  16. S

    What do you think about an Asian equivalent of the EU?

    Also, just to clarify the confusion for everyone. Instead of a full equivalent of the EU (e.g. with customs union and free movement of labour), what do we think of a political organization with just a continent-wide common market? One can only hope. Out of curiosity, is it true most Turkish...
  17. S

    Egyptian Islamists Sexually Attack Women Believed to Be Christian

    I definitely recall seeing radical Christians in America telling homosexuals that "God" (if he/she/it even exists) hates them, and that soldiers deserved to die. Every religion breeds cancerous elements. Even Buddhists out of all people are involved in riots in Myanmar and Indonesia at the...
  18. S

    Egyptian Islamists Sexually Attack Women Believed to Be Christian

    I'm not going to deny such things happen in Pakistan, but these things happen everywhere in the world. I don't understand why you're on this forum if you're going to spout irrational hatred towards just one religion/culture when everyone is just as bad.
  19. S

    Sun Tzu Doctrine for Asia

    While I agree with pan-Asianism, one country leading the continent will have obvious opposition and this will inevitably fail. It would need to be a collective process.
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