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    India's new 10,000 MW nuke plant Kovvada

    I just hope they have enough safety measures. Attacking a nuclear powered plant of this size would be a terrorist's dream
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    India Developing, but still a long way to go

    I can't post links yet but I wonder why no one has posted about the Trump Towers coming up in Pune. It's pretty big news. I know the guy's a huge miser jerk but nonetheless , he's improving the skyline :agree:
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    India VS Srilanka, Final

    And we won !! :yahoo:
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    Australia's first Muslim frontbencher abused for "taking oath on Quran"

    Actually , that's not true. Indians don't get droned everyday unlike Pakistanis. Besides , it took us a couple of months to get you guys pregnant and give birth to Bangladesh :lol:
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    Raw jute export falls by 30pc in three years:Cold ties with Pakistan blamed

    About time to diversify from jute. Jute has contributed well to your economy until now , but it's about time to move away from it. Jute requires large hectares of land, takes up a lot of water. Besides , you earn peanuts after selling it. How much will one earn after selling 10 kg of jute...
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    DRDO chief says tragedy could have been avoided if weather radars existed

    What's the use of the several dozen remote sensing satellites that India has launched? Do we just launch them for fun? I doubt any of those satellites has ever aided in predicting a major calamity. India has the largest number of remote sensing satellites in space. Now I know what they are used...
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    SMS calls for shunning Khaleda & Hasina

    So you want to vote a bunch of crooks to power just to protect BD from Indian influence. So you would rather get ruled by illiterates who don't know anything about economics or governance and are hard line extremists rather than see a few BD kids watch Indian Idol or CID or MTV Splitsvilla...
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    India Developing, but still a long way to go

    Get your head out of your delusional *** , if you can.
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    India Developing, but still a long way to go

    Yes , you might be right. However , I'll tell you this. A friend of mine has graduated in Urban planning. I was once having a chat with him and he told me that traffic jams are only caused as a result of human impatience. Basically, if each and every person followed some basic rules , like...
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    India Developing, but still a long way to go

    You obviously forgot to pack a pair of spectacles or lenses during these visits....
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    Dozens of Shia muslims killed and injured in Baghdad blasts

    LOL, I take a shower daily. However , I promise I'll take a shower this very minute(as you requested) if you post a video of yourself swearing that you wont blow yourself up on a public bus or crash a plane into a 100 story building :lol:
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    India Developing, but still a long way to go

    LOL , you are one of those over-patrotic Indians who things India's better than Canada , India's better than Europe blah blah. Get out of your delusions. Even I'm Indian and want India to be at the top in all fields , but I prefer to not live in delusions. Ask any Indian living in Canada and...
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    Dozens of Shia muslims killed and injured in Baghdad blasts

    Sorry , I just got angry and thus the above post.... Not that it was unjustified. Every post by this blackeagle guy seems to be either against Shias or against Indians.
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    Dozens of Shia muslims killed and injured in Baghdad blasts

    Not everyone in the world thinks like a Jordanian. Just because Jordanians are primitive and backward and like getting ruled by a monarch/dictator doesn't mean everyone in the world wants the same. People in other countries want a democratic setup rather than be slaves to a King like the...
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    India Developing, but still a long way to go

    I'm doing an internship in Mississauga and I use the 401 every single day of the week , so I know about it far better than anyone. 401 is jammed 7.30 -8.30 in the morning on maybe 2 out of 5 working days and 4.30 to 6.00 in the evening again on any 2 out of 5 working days. It's hardly bad future...
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    India Developing, but still a long way to go

    Whatever it is you are smoking , it's really good stuff. I freakin live there. No place in Canada , except some isolated towns in Nunavut and Northwest Territories, have roads like Old Delhi. And the only reason they have roads like these is because like 50-100 people live in those towns. Don't...
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    India Developing, but still a long way to go

    I don't really like to bash the government on all matters , but the Eastern Freeway is a perfect example of bad future planning , although it will certainly be of great use to the people for the next 5-10 years. They built a 17km freeway with 2 pathetic lanes on both sides. In 10-15 years , this...
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    India-made aircraft-carrier to test waters in Aug

    ^ It actually looks great in the last picture. Seems like it should be done by August
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