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  1. F

    Indian Diaspora in USA

    You must have ensnared a white girl on cam or tourist as most Pakistanis do or married a Muslim as permanent resident Muslim guests living in the West are allowed to bring in spouses even if they are crippled or blind or mentally retarded... and then you breed like rats producing a cricket team...
  2. F

    PLA deploys "India-killer" light tank divisions to Sino-Indian border!

    This thread is a A SALES PITCH. It is always preferable that ill-gotten Pakistani money goes to non-Muslims including the Chinese than the Pakistanis buying weapons from some haggard Muslim country like Turkey whose feet the Pakistanis lick everyday in every forum on this site. This whole...
  3. F

    PLA deploys "India-killer" light tank divisions to Sino-Indian border!

    I clearly wrote.... Do you forget what was your position vis-a-vis Soviet Union and the United States from 1949-1991 in terms of nuclear weapons or military might or economy whatever and what could they have made of you if they were so inhuman and arrogant as you?? You arrogant inhumans...
  4. F

    PLA deploys "India-killer" light tank divisions to Sino-Indian border!

    How low will you and some of your chinese friends stoop??? Pakistani Muslims and their allies in Kashmir and elsewhere preach death for you and consider you infidels and hence inferior......and you support them????? When do you plan to start counting Pakistani muslim corpses???? You Chinese...
  5. F

    Two Pak soldiers injured or ‘possibly killed’ in fresh firing along LoC

    Did you cook dog or cat meat today and eaten it with your Chinese friend in IFTAR feast that your I.Q. has dipped so low as dogs and cats???? Do you think the Chinese are not aware that you regard them as infidels and inferior and aspire (D-R-E-A-M ...... LOL) to conquer every part of the...
  6. F

    Harrapa Ancestry project?

    Everybody has read numerous comments on this site and others like youtube by Pakistanis calling Indians dark skinned, ugly, inferior and what not but what about you beggar Pakistani sunnis????? What is the skin color of "elite rich cultured" Pakistanis like Army Chief Kayani, ex-president...
  7. F

    Musharraf leaves CNN anchor speecheless..!!!

    Who is Musharraf to insult others???? he has already been insulted enough by his own people. There is a very hilarious video on youtube where a tormented right thinking Pakistani woman getting down from a rickshaw has openly insulted Musharraf live on a Pakistani TV channel and hundreds of...
  8. F

    Saudi Prince joins opposition after his defection from royal family

    There was a very nice analysis of Saudi political setup and its future on Fareed Zakaria GPS yesterday i.e. August 4, 2013 Sunday on CNN. In a few minutes, it said much about the economy and trends in Saudi Arabia including the royal family and governance and its future. The video should be...
  9. F

    Dear Chinese members please consider forgiving me.

    Far worse and inhumane things have been said countless times by many Pakistanis and their allies about India and its people on this site. Hindu religion and other religions of India have been insulted in countless comments on this site by Pakistani posters and their allies. Most topics on this...
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