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  1. F

    'India trying to have more understanding with China'

    From now maybe you will not understand anything. We understand all these cunning deceiving tactics of Muslims trying to create friction between non-Muslims and playing/inciting one group of non-Muslims against the other. We have witnessed this for centuries (YES CENTURIES, AND NOT DECADES)...
  2. F

    Young Chinese boy's eyes gouged out in attack

    Exactly this is what our country needs to do to some infiltrators/terrorists who come across the border into our country and murder our people. We also have some living within our country who need this type of punishment. Even a much milder form of torture and punishment in a solitary cell...
  3. F

    'India trying to have more understanding with China'

    Then let the news be covered by the Chinese state media and not warmongering, hate spewing, racist, low IQ ids on the internet demonstrating fake love and admiration for the non-Muslim infidel Chinese over the internet. Why are you jumping up and down?
  4. F

    'India trying to have more understanding with China'

    What about the genocidal war rantings of Zaid Hamid and his likes on TV and media in Pakistan???? The Chinese intelligence must have a full report about the recordings/writings in the school textbooks and media of Pakistan about the non-Muslims. At least, the Indian media and textbooks do...
  5. F

    Four rapes in the capital, three involving little girls

    FACTS ABOUT MAO ZEDONG --- WHO IS WORSHIPED IN CHINA. He considered himself to be a "Great Hero," and argued that, for this elite group, absolute selfishness and irresponsibility was the rule: "Everything outside their nature, such as restrictions and constraints, must be swept away by the...
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    Famous People Born in Bangladesh

    Never knew that she cannot read or write Bangla but she can speak and sing very well in Hindi. She rendered some very beautiful songs in Hindi movies in the 1970s but then left because of her own personal reason. She is known for her Hindi songs throughout India but when I heard her sing Dama...
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    Famous People Born in Bangladesh

    Singer Runa Laila who sang the legendary evergreen song Dama dam mast qalandar. She sounds much better than the Pakistani singer Noorjehan in this song. She is perhaps the most famous living legend from Bangladesh instantly recognized in the subcontinent and everywhere else in the world...
  8. F

    Four rapes in the capital, three involving little girls

    There are 200 million Muslims and half a million (yes, FIVE LAKH functioning MOSQUES in INDIA). Everybody knows where the problem and mindset is coming from. These five lakh mosques have LOUDSPEAKERS blaring ARABIC chants polluting the minds and atmosphere for birds and insects. But India...
  9. F

    Northeast India seeks secession from India and integration into China

    Have you read (and UNDERSTOOD) the comments made by so many Pakistani and some Arab muslims about the infidels including you the Chinese??? Have you ever heard (and UNDERSTOOD) what is said openly in religious schools and public rallies and openly on TV about non-Muslims in Pakistan and some...
  10. F

    Northeast India seeks secession from India and integration into China

    I think going by what is said by so many fake and warmongering running dogs on internet and everywhere in the newspapers and TV, China should become a part of Japan for better development as Japan is still 10 times richer per capita than China and it will take China at least 75 years to increase...
  11. F

    Why does Kashmir only belong to Muslims?

    If Pakistan can claim Kashmir calling it the jugular vein of Pakistan, the whole world can claim Middle East calling it the jugular vein of world as it contains oil and hence the whole world should annex the Middle East and deprive the local residents there of any citizenship rights and drive...
  12. F

    How Turkey Arms and Sends Wahhabi Jihadists into Syria

    The US is setting a very bad precedent by planning to strike Syria. Turkey and Saudi Arabia are the real criminals here fomenting civil war in Syria and using every wicked deceitful tactic to make Syria a pawn of the Saudi-Turk nexus like they successfully did with powerful Arab countries...
  13. F

    Mumbai to Shanghai, a distant dream

    Please do not insult India by putting India in the same league as China in BRICS. China should be compared to the worst technologically backward countries of the world when quality of technologically challenging goods is considered. Even countries like Ukraine which has an economy that is just...
  14. F

    Aryans vs Dravidians?

    Very well said. one of the very few and rare sensible posts on this site.
  15. F

    Four plead guilty in China rape case

    I tell you your soul will weep when you read how this mass murderer/rapist Mao tortured the poor Chinese. Just read "Mao the unknown story" by Jung Chang. there are paid running dogs of Chinese Maoists all over the net like bess swarming everywhere and these malign other cultures and...
  16. F

    Four plead guilty in China rape case

    t is a very positive sign that at least in India, people can raise voice against oppression...... while in some cultures rapists and murderers are venerated and worshiped. and you can just imagine the massive coverup these cultures do to crush dissent and sane voices. take the case of China...
  17. F

    Is it a kind of biological virus or Indian want to make a world record??

    it is a very positive sign that at least in India, people can raise voice against oppression...... while in some cultures rapists and murderers are venerated and worshiped. and you can just imagine the massive coverup these cultures do to crush dissent and sane voices. take the example of...
  18. F

    Why Is the Chinese Communist Party So Tense?

    Chairman Mao had made some very gloomy prediction about China after his death. even his very good evergreen ally, Pakistan also joined in. The prediction was not for immediately after Mao;s death as still Mao is worshipped in China (compare that to other ruthless dictators whose memories have...
  19. F

    India will break up as USSR | Ex-Indian Army General.

    Chairman Mao, who is regarded as the second highest mass murderer in history with over 70 (YES, 70 MILLION!!!) Chinese dying under his rule, had some very gloomy predictions about the future of China after his death. Will anybody quote those words and start a thread about what Chairman Mao...
  20. F

    Why Is the Chinese Communist Party So Tense?

    How do you react when you read stories of misfortune of Muslim countries????? the outside world yet does not know how much the running dogs of Mao are paid for and how lavishly they live in the Chinese society. Democracy is coming to China and those running dogs will have to reform and...
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