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  1. F

    Northeast India seeks secession from India and integration into China

    Just read how China accepted the lordship of a single man like Mao Zedong who raped thousands of girls and killed more than 70 million of his own countrymen and yet he is worshiped!!!!! 100s of millions of Chinese chose to live under the dictatorship of such a monster from 1949-1976 and not...
  2. F

    How India got screwed by U.S for the fall of rupee

    Arre baba, no point in getting into argument with a brain-dead 50 CENT ARMY member. have you not ever read about 50 CENT ARMY????? If not, go and read extensively on internet about the mind games played by these with their evergreen friends. We too can stop the supply of stray CAT/DOGS to...
  3. F

    How India got screwed by U.S for the fall of rupee

    Wow such arrogance and inhuman behavior. it seems it is just too much learning from international evergreen friends. If India is a sht-hole for China which has just twice the per capita income of India, then China should be an 8-10 times bigger sht-hole for Japanese and the West who have an...
  4. F

    Iran orders release of Indian tanker

    What you and your clan have done are beyond offense. You do not realize what you people are doing but we know that the Chinese people are our friends and will ever remain despite some rotten ones who have sold their soul for some comforts and money.
  5. F

    How India got screwed by U.S for the fall of rupee

    There is no point responding to the 50 CENT ARMY. Pakistan, the all weather friend of China, regularly screws China by training Uighur separatists to kill the infidel Chinese. What have the Chinese Maoists done except whine? and that too a country that calls China its "ALL WEATHER...
  6. F

    Russia mocks Britain, the little island

    The 50 CENT ARMY will become active on this thread in a few hours from now and turn the topic on its head.
  7. F

    Official notice about Female/Male dress code at Khyber Medical College

    It is a step in the right direction. At least, students will concentrate on studies rather than try to impress each other with overt shameless displays of wealth like branded clothes and footwear.
  8. F

    Iran orders release of Indian tanker

    Ghantaa fair... AAG LAG JAATI HAI USKO mere post padh ke. i do not know how long the journey will last.
  9. F

    Iranian Music, Movies | Cultural discussions

    Some Iranian movies are excellent. they are big winners and very eagerly waited at international film festivals. I saw one being awarded and appreciated very much at the Australian film festival. Very few people know that Iran, Syria and Egypt are the epicenters of culture in the Middle East...
  10. F

    Iran orders release of Indian tanker

    His ID is Hu Songshan and he infarcted me for calling the Chinese trollers who all use very vile language.. paid running dogs/mongrels of the Maoists. I was referring to the 50 CENT ARMY which is so active on these forums maligning and distorting Indian history. I think he was also very...
  11. F

    There is nothing more enjoyable as to see your enemies fighting each other.

    The biggest danger is that if Syria remains unstable like Lebanon where the govt forces are almost ineffective, then anybody can get into Syria like Hezbollan and launch rockets across the border into Israel or perhaps even other neighboring countries. Israel will need to set up a buffer zone in...
  12. F

    Arab nations offered to pay for Syria strike: Kerry

    On topic, this misadventure is going to cost the US not more than 1 billion dollars max in the immediate future. 200-250 long range land attack cruise missiles at 1-1.5 million dollars each and maybe some air sorties. The US has a budget of more than 720 billion dollars a year. the cost...
  13. F

    Arab nations offered to pay for Syria strike: Kerry

    The Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh fought for his country and led a simple life while Mao Zedong was a mass murderer who murdered more than 70 MILLION Chinese and he ate like a king while his country starved to death and also Mao made some very dire predictions for China after his death. It...
  14. F

    Iran orders release of Indian tanker

    Read the last two lines. it will serve you well for years on this site or similar sites.
  15. F

    Iran orders release of Indian tanker

    It happens between seafaring nations all the time. these are commercial ships controlled by a very small crew and can wander off into territorial waters with some malfunctioning device. but you will be surprised that Iran is much more liberal and free than projected it seems. I saw some...
  16. F

    Iran orders release of Indian tanker

    Iran is much liberal and free than projected it seems. I saw some Iranian businessman from Tehran (yes TEHRAN) speaking on CNN much openly about the problems with leadership in Iran and how regime change would improve relations with the West. This was before the presidential elections weeks...
  17. F

    So who still thinks Israel is the root of Middle East problems?

    No, historically speaking 300 years for Muslims to build momentum (by cunningly deceitful means like multiplying manifold in tolerant non-Muslim countries or in Muslim lands surrounding non-Muslim lands) is not a reasonably SMALL amount of time since the world is galloping very fast only...
  18. F

    So who still thinks Israel is the root of Middle East problems?

    Fully agreed. Lack of foresight and uneducation. If the Arabs are not even willing to concede such a hopelessly tiny piece of land to Jews which now forms Israel, then why should the outside world accept Arab sovereignty over such a vast piece of land which now runs from Iran to North...
  19. F

    Why does Kashmir only belong to Muslims?

    Brilliant comment. nobody could have said better when you said "WE RETALIATED AS WE PLEASED THROUGHOUT THE TIME IN COLD WAR WHEN OUR ECONOMY AND INDUSTRY WERE THE WEAKEST IN OUR MODERN HISTORY." India would have loved to buy more than 150 Mirage-2000s till 1995 but was always terribly...
  20. F

    Why does Kashmir only belong to Muslims?

    Exactly. Very well said. Open the doors of Aazaad Kashmir for Kashmiri Muslims and make them free. If Pakistan can claim Kashmir calling it the jugular vein of Pakistan, the whole world can claim Middle East calling it the jugular vein of world as it contains oil and hence the whole world...
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