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  1. F

    India the Superpower? Think again

    What is the IQ of people who eat dog and cat meat??? Overdose of animal protein and friendship with Muslim Pakistan has not done any good to the IQ of Mao worshipers. when democracy comes, China will become very peaceful and will rethink about its aid and friendship with Pakistan.
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    India the Superpower? Think again

    The arrogant Chinese Mao worshiping trolls forget that US can still deliver more than 2000 nuclear weapons on China while China even today cannot deliver more than 40-50 on US. The recent history since the dawn of nuclear age in 1945 reveals much greater disparity. Mao worshipers forget that...
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    China-Pakistan: Relations perturb Washington, New Delhi

    Strangely and understandably, not even a single post on such an important news article touching China by the 50-CENT ARMY OF China --- the paid internet trolls who demonize India and glorify Pakistan and Islam. Cultural Revolution Part II is not far. Cultural Revolution part I in 1960s killed...
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    Indian Civilization, its contribution to Modern day Science and Philosopy

    no matter how much you educate a Maoist Chinese in the best universities of the World including in USA, UK, France, etc. they will still eat dogs and cats (google) and follow the cruel inhuman Chinese medicine system which has made the exotic wildlife like tiger extinct. only a low IQ person...
  5. F

    Comparison| Pakistani,Iranian,Afghan,Indian,Bangali food.

    what is classed as Mughal food in the world is heavily dependent on spices, that grew in the Dravidian lands of South India. The use of spices was perfected by Dravidians and copied-adopted by Arabs, Persians etc. So-called Mughlai or Mughal dishes were all copied and renamed by Mughals from...
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    everybody has seen countless threads, videos and most importantly covert and overt persons from the Muslim Pakistani community in Pakistan and particularly abroad try to incite Sikhs and other non-Hindu Indians including the Christians against Hindus and hold seminars about atrocities in India...
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    China, Russia rebuke India

    It was reported some 15 years ago in the very reputed TIME magazine about the footwear coming off just in two months and the Russians exasperating with Chinese malpractices. this was not some trader buying for a million dollars but this deal was worth more than 1 billion dollars and hence the...
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    China's one-child policy among worst crimes against humanity

    Only a low IQ Mao follower will use such words. I will refrain from differentiating China's society into dog and cat meat eaters and no dog and cat meat eaters. You should be forever grateful that we saved you from the ravages of Islam and avoid wishing that people from all over the world...
  9. F

    India, Japan in $50bn currency swap

    They are neutered according to China's one child policy. The 6 Most-Traded Currencies And Why They're So Popular There is no mention of the Chinese Yuan despite the Chinese being the second biggest economy in the world. How long will the world allow Chinese to dump their cheap goods...
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    How India got screwed by U.S for the fall of rupee

    You do not worship rats. You eat them. That is the difference. What else can one expect from a dog/cat eating fellow?? That rat temple is only at one place and looked down as a bad practice by a great majority of Hindus. I never been there nor plan to see or visit. But at least those rat...
  11. F

    China, Russia rebuke India

    According to some of you people, no civilization existed before Islam whereas the fact is that the whole world knows that the creations of the ancient pre-Islam civilizations were far greater and advanced than what Islam ever achieved. Just see the great pyramids of Egypt which were much older...
  12. F

    China, Russia rebuke India

    Also Maoists should always consult their creator, the ex-Soviets and their heirs the Russians, before taking any decision in regard to territories/governance/ or any other matter. Hence you can see problems with Hong Kong people who speak the same language as Chinese but do not want any...
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    China, Russia rebuke India

    South Asia and China would be a land of peace and harmony: 1. If Mao was not born and there would have been a democratic government in China. 2. If China had not committed the greatest war crime of providing nuclear weapons to Muslim terrorists, the Pakistanis. 3. If the Maoists and...
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    How India got screwed by U.S for the fall of rupee

    Thanks. i can click thanks but it does not show up. no issues with that but please also teach me how to bold and capitalize words as i do not see any buttons for them. please reply in your own free time as the keys of keyboard do not capitalize or bold letters on this site nor does copy pasting...
  15. F

    A question about Democracy in India

    We fully understand your replies. we know that the internet is heavily censored in China and even posts by users are closely monitored and if they are found to be fomenting trouble, the users can be thrown into labor camps. also know that even a site like youtube is not spared and that too is...
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    China, Russia rebuke India

    Chinese Maoist annexation of lands of neighboring countries like Tibet and parts of India, Vietnam, and Russia in the far East has been a source of international tension for well over 50 years. WE CAN ALSO ADD HONG KONG, MACAU, AND MANY OTHER PARTS ON THE BORDERS OF CHINA IF the Chinese...
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    China, Russia rebuke India

    The problem is that some Chinese forget what was the situation of China from much before its independence in 1949 to 1991 and how it managed its trade and economy with so much foreign aid and loans and generous barter deals provided by the USSR from at least 1949-1961 and the Chinese back...
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    Losing My Religion?

    Muslims say "Muslims fast in Ramadan so that we can understand how the less fortunate/poor people who have to starve everyday feel like. " But poor people do not have lavish feasts in evening. They either sleep without food the whole day or eat it whenever it is available. Therefore the...
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    Two front war | Which nation will ally with India against SinoPak ?

    China will stop all warmongering and become a very peaceful country when democracy arrives. Counterclaims can be made by its neighbors on China if it does not desist from its unnecessary aggression and provocation. If China wants land, it is free to capture as much as it wants from Muslim...
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