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  1. F

    HK journalists kicked out of APEC for shouting at Aquino

    Will these journalists from Hong Kong ever slap the Chinese pro-Maoist professor who called the people of Hong Kong the running dogs of the British which invited an befitting reply from Hong Kong residents who took out ad calling Maoists locusts. Ad calling mainland Chinese...
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    Junk Rating Looms for India

    Dog meat markets still thriving in China | Farm Press Blog Animal protein is highly exaggerated. Look at the bodies and IQ of Maoists in China who have been eating every creature that walks on earth for the past 3000 years.
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    Junk Rating Looms for India

    Chinese economy was just 380 billion dollars while the US was more than 15 times larger than Chinese economy at 5.9 trillion dollars just a few years back in 1991. Chinese economy was virtually non-existent from 1949-1976 and the country received far more aid per capita than India during...
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    U.S. pivot to Asia: How China Can Turn The Table

    Maoist China is showing unnecessary agression and claiming land of its non-Muslim neighbors while forgetting that the same claims could be made about parts of China other than Tibet, East Turkestan, Hong Kong, Macau and many others. this game of diverting attention from domestic rebellion was...
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    China Absent From Corruption Report

    Kashmiri separatists go unpunished and thrive despite their anti-national activities in India because there is corruption in India. If india becomes much less corrupt, at least 10,000 Kashmiri separatists will be hanged every year for anti-India activities.
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    India’s Indigenous Engine-making Programme Kaveri to be Revived

    I do not feel like saying but have to say that only very impoverished people, bordering on death due to starvation, will think of eating dog and cat meat and everybody knows where thiis practice started. and impoverished people do not do royal jobs. they are so poor that they cannot afford to be...
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    Over 200 Mizo youths recruited by Indian Army

    how can you be so ungrateful to the Black african Siddis who saved your skin and who are derogatorily called Habshis despite the fact that they saved Islam??? What about the soft corner that Muslim women have for black men since times immemorial??? Razia Sultana, the first muslim female...
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    Accession of Princely states- who started the trouble ??

    what makes you think that the Maoists are the legitimate rulers of China and that they willl not be thrown into labor camps??? and what about China's claims on Taiwan? and what about China's annexation of Tibet and later it started wagging its tail to UK and Portugal to get Hong Kong and Macau...
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    Will Beijing help Riyadh go nuclear?

    50 CENT ARMY is all over the net and their comments can be read in every site. I do not need to go into this. itis all over the net. their comments amply reflect this. it does not matter if you do not call india a bulwark. there are many more who are more knowledgeable on this and fully agree...
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    India’s Indigenous Engine-making Programme Kaveri to be Revived

    You forgot one important thing. the same dog and cat meat eating habits. we can understand the mind games played by fake poster boys and the 50 CENT ARMY from China.
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    Will Beijing help Riyadh go nuclear?

    i do not know if you are a fake flag but get your facts straight. 50 CENT ARMY preaches pathological lies about India but understandably, they are very partial to Muslims and never question their version of history. and as for India being the bulwark against Islam in Asia, everybody knows...
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    Will Beijing help Riyadh go nuclear?

    i always knew but very few people know that 50 CENT ARMY OF CHINA is paid to malign non-Muslim countries like India. but when democracy comes to China, this 50 CENT ARMY is going to be in labor camps as it has tried to create enmity between the Chinese and Indian people and this 50 CENT ARMY has...
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    Real poverty statistics hidden by government of India?

    Exactly. Posting misleading videos and stats on internet is not going to change the facts about Pakistan. we see too many videos of Pakistan on sites like youtube and everywhere on the internet. indeed Pakistanis post far more misleading videos and statistics on internet despite India having...
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    Army foils another infiltration bid in Keran, 4 militants killed

    The Chinese Maoists and their pampered supporters are not the legitimate rulers of China. they cannot frame the foreign policy of China or lead China to war because it will be common people of China who will die in war and not the Chinese Maoists or their pampered stooges. the world had made...
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    Indians spread begging culture in the Middle East

    Why don't you open the doors of Pakistan for the poor Muslims of India for whom you shed so many tears and whom you call your brothers and sisters and whom you train as covert agents to target non-Muslims in India???? and what about the plight of dark skinned african descent Siddi Muslims in...
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    Indians spread begging culture in the Middle East

    But it is the Pakistanis who sell their children to camel race organizers in Gulf as camel jockeys. the Pakistanis have long tried to cover it up but slowly the world is waking up to this sophisticated business of begging. and what about the gypsy status of dark skinned Siddis from Africa who...
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    Will Beijing help Riyadh go nuclear?

    Indian tech is more indigenous but the whole world knows from where China got her tech... the Russians whom you betrayed and continue to betray. Chairman Mao was an ever ungrateful creature, a trait shared by Maoists in China and their pampered pooches. India prevented China from Islam and...
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    Army foils another infiltration bid in Keran, 4 militants killed

    Chinese Maoists and their pampered supporters are a bunch of dog and cat meat eaters who have allready dug their graves by providing nuclear weapons to the Muslims. it has only increased the resolve of people around the world to ensure that the ungrateful Chinese Maoists and their pampered...
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    Indians spread begging culture in the Middle East

    these are Indian Muslims. they feel very offended by such titles bestowed upon them by their Muslim brothers in Pakistan. Hence many Indian Muslims see no reason that they should remain within the folds of Islam. The same goes for many dark skinned Muslims around the world including Pakistan.
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    Why we want talk of war only ? Zaid Hamid

    Not all, but some people in Pakistan love Zaid Hamid because he is so fair, no matter how he speaks or what he says. and hate Altaf Hussain because he is not so fair. that also explains why so few support Pervez Musharaff because he is also not fair despite staying in London for so long...
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