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  1. F

    Odisha Muslims

    Your lies deserve no reply. You will rot in hell according to Islam. Most Muslims are not happy in publicly Muslim countries like Pakistan. If Indian Muslims are not happy, in that case, you should open your doors for them as you yourself have said we look beyond nationality in Islam. Have...
  2. F

    1857- Jihad Against Christianity Commence

    at least 90% Indian land in 2014 is held by non-Muslims and it was the same in 1947. the few Muslims who left for Pakistan left their land to their Muslim relatives and no land was every confiscated from Muslims and yet at least 90% land is in the hands of non-Muslims as it always has been for...
  3. F

    1857- Jihad Against Christianity Commence

    Forget internet where anybody can post anything under a false identity, you have to watch Pakistani TV and newspapers where they openly spew vitriol against non-Muslims and ignorant people believe that it is only the Arabs and Iranians who spew venom against non-Muslims and Jews on TV. Media of...
  4. F

    India's Destiny Dilemma

    If the killing of 800 Muslims out of 150 million Indian Muslims is anti-Muslim pogrom which the thread creator has highlighted, what should be the punishment for Pakistan and their Bangla Jamaati allies for murdering not less than a quarter million Hindus and Buddhists and more than a hundred...
  5. F

    Odisha Muslims

    In that case,why do not you people take a boat and migrate to Pakistan instead of burdening India???? why not use India just as a transit land instead of remaining in India???? do you think that Pakistanis will go to hell according to Islam for befriending China which does not allow Muslims to...
  6. F

    How life is improving in India's poorest regions

    yes and you are still dog and cat meat eater who will mercilessly torture and ghastly kill a dog despite whatever progress you make. we know you puny muslim boot0lickers, you will never ever malign, demonize or target non-Chinese Muslims. you will only indirectly target and backstab and be...
  7. F

    China Will Launch Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier 80.000 & 110.000 Tonnes in 2015 and 2020 !!

    China has only now become the world's biggest shipbuilder after trying for decades and that too because of cheap labor, not because of technical expertise. Shipbuilding is done in China under the supervision of foreign experts and superiors and the Chinese work as workers. the Japanese and...
  8. F

    China Will Launch Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier 80.000 & 110.000 Tonnes in 2015 and 2020 !!

    your Maoist party members and their families and their pampered running dogs will have to run for their lives when democracy comes to China and China will stop making ridiculous imperialist claims on the lands of other countries. Tibet will be free because the Chinese people are not interested...
  9. F

    China Can Attack Taiwan By 2020, Taipei Says

    You talk of guts and are afraid of an unarmed monk??? Do you have the guts to reclaim lands inhabited by ethnic Chinese for centuries in Muslim countries like Malaysia or Indonesia?? Why do you always have issues with non-Muslim countries and not with Muslim countries??? you treacherous...
  10. F

    Sex Jihad – Saudi Cleric fatwa – Muslim girls and women ordered to Syria to

    Has anybody ever asked these clerics publicly on TV in TV studios or religious sermons whether these clerics will marry off their sons, grandsons or brothers to these unfortunate women and whether they will accept the children born of these women as their children and give them a part of their...
  11. F

    South China Sea Forum

    India was a colony only in name. the British never dared interfere with their lives or dictate where they could live or not unlike in China where a mass murderer rapist like Mao is worshiped and nobody can ask questions about what happened to 50-70-100 million+ poor helpless Chinese who died...
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    South China Sea Forum

    BBC News - Fighting grey: Why do China's leaders dye their hair? Why do China's leaders dye their hair? Just for zen: How China's leaders dye their hair black, not out of vanity but because they are so terrified of standing out | Mail Online No comments on the severely slant eyes of...
  13. F

    Can we believe the economic statistics coming out of India?

    the chinese despite having a 7+trillion economy (built on stolen tech, free access to world markets, disregard for business ethics, forced labor etc.) cannot make a 100 seater aircraft on their own in 2013 while Russia with an economy less than one fourth the size of China can build a 400...
  14. F

    8 foreign spy agencies funding Karachi terrorists

    these stories of outside support for Muslim gunmen are cooked up to perpetuate the belief that a devout Sunni Muslim will not kill other devout Sunni Muslims. and we know that this is just the beginning. Sunnis having grievances against other Sunnis should be armed by non-Muslim...
  15. F

    Indians bashed and thrashed by Pakistanis in their Show

    perfect reading. I could not have put it better. Arnab and Maaroof Raza. Some Pakistani panelists tremble when they see Arnab and Maaroof expose their lies. That Kasoori Methi will always rant about caste divisions in India forgetting theocratic Sunni Pakistan and Syed Tariq Peerzada will...
  16. F

    Who are the world's 10 most dangerous terrorists?

    they cannot be labelled as the world's most dangerous terrorists. the groups they lead are the most horrible. these in real are coward puny frustrated distressed criminal psychopath creatures. the delusion they propagate is what gets them murderous followers and that creates a dangerous...
  17. F

    China building road inside Bhutan

    In that case, Hong Kong and Macau should have remained with UK-Portugal and not with a much low income country like China. Chinese per capita income is just three times of India's at present while UK income was more than 40 times greater than that of China in 1991 and more than 60-70 times...
  18. F

    China building road inside Bhutan

    And what is Islam?? A collection of tribes and much smaller families. Just because one person became Muslim, he persuaded his whole family to become Muslim.
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