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  1. ELTurco

    Turkish Tea House

    Kardes.. eger benim dedigim dogruysa ki eminim o yuzden cikti kavga.. bunlari savunmamin asil nedeni muslumanlikla bilmem neyle hic alakasi yok cunku iddia ediyorum gercek avrupali haklar ve amerika olsun ne kadar batili varsa da tipki boyle dusunur .. arastira bilirsin istersen denemesi bedava...
  2. ELTurco

    Turkish Tea House

    Sen benim hayatimi bosver kavga gordum veya gormedim seni alakadar etmez. satasmayada gerek yok. ben zaten bu filmin daha uzun olani varoldgunu iddia etmedim ki yazdiklarimi tekrar oku bence anlamissin. ama..dikkat cektigim hususlari anlaman icin cokta akilli olmaya zeki olmaya gerek yok...
  3. ELTurco

    Erdogan on Gülenists: They are Worse than Shiites

    All alevis hate him already.. and he doesnt need them they are minority anyway. And there is no ''sectarian'' problems in Turkey and if there are some thats because of ''some'' neighbor countries interference in Turkey. Fueling sectarianism in Turkey if you know what i mean.
  4. ELTurco

    Turkish Tea House

    Bu Cabatli kimdir ne is yapiyor tubitakta muhendis felan mi yoksa?
  5. ELTurco

    Astana Kazakhstan - Capitol of the New World Order

    Comrade you are obsessed with the nwo
  6. ELTurco

    Erdogan on Gülenists: They are Worse than Shiites

    i never insulted your or any other nations leader. About mahatirs post i just agree with the part about Turkey.
  7. ELTurco

    Erdogan on Gülenists: They are Worse than Shiites

    Thank you thank you I mean all of the Turks in this forum. Syrian regime has sheltered terrorists on its soil, armed and supported them against Turkey for decades! He is not a Russian.. he is from India.
  8. ELTurco

    Erdogan on Gülenists: They are Worse than Shiites

    Erdo again switching the facts, in fact its totally the opposite Gulen movement is know to be anti-iran while erdo has good relations with shia s and especially iran.. listen all of us here are against Erdogan but still he is our leader we wont let you insult him in front of us mate.
  9. ELTurco

    Palestinians fire dozens of rockets into Israel in retaliation

    Whats the difference between a nazi and a racist.. you are a racist
  10. ELTurco

    Turkish Tea House

    Tamam.. ama daha önce neler oldugunu gostermiyor bu film.. slogan atip insanlari rahatsiz ediyorlar bunlarda susun diyor.. kufur iyi bisey degil ama gruptakiler de disari cikinca ana avrat kufur ediyor onlarin karsinda sus pus iken.. birde normal halk gercek ''passengerler'' bu iki cocuga yardim...
  11. ELTurco

    Palestinians fire dozens of rockets into Israel in retaliation

    I am not crying.. just behave yourself racism is not allowed here.
  12. ELTurco

    Palestinians fire dozens of rockets into Israel in retaliation

    Behave yourself man.. this is not normal where are the mods?
  13. ELTurco

    Turkish Tea House

    They are not just "Metro Passengers'' Those fuckingg cowards i suppose are anarchists at first they are all silent and then when getting the chance they attack with a group of 10 person fucking pussies.. respect for the 2 crazy Turks! Abi barzo derken yani metronun icinde niye slogan atiyorsun...
  14. ELTurco

    Turkish Tea House

    Those poor students sometime they ask for double bread Depends on the quality but in Turkey in an average restaurant would say this plate around $3-4 dollars.
  15. ELTurco

    The Turkish Navy Superior To The Russian Black Sea Fleet ?

    I mean Kamasutra guess i misunderstood ah nevermind.
  16. ELTurco

    The Turkish Navy Superior To The Russian Black Sea Fleet ?

    I am confused why the Indian denied it..
  17. ELTurco

    The Turkish Navy Superior To The Russian Black Sea Fleet ?

    Does Albania have a military serious question and dont expect anything from the Greeks nowadays they are affraid of their own shadow.
  18. ELTurco

    Turkish Tea House

    @MooshMoosh It doesnt look healthy it will get you a hearthattack mate. @Targon i cant resist it anymore looks delicious..
  19. ELTurco

    The Turkish Navy Superior To The Russian Black Sea Fleet ?

    @Neptune Do we possess any carrier killer missiles?
  20. ELTurco

    The Turkish Navy Superior To The Russian Black Sea Fleet ?

    Well i dont know Cyrus but i can declare myself King of the planet its useless if nobody recognise it..
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