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  1. ELTurco

    Turkish, Greek jets in first dogfight after 27 months

    Who cares about Greece anyway a bankrupt nation and small country with a population of 15 million people.. it is a disgrace for the Turks to give them some much attention... as if they are some kind of rivals or something.. i am ashamed whenever i come across such stupid reports.
  2. ELTurco

    Russia Invades Eastern Ukraine

    Arent these vehicles BMP-2 or something?
  3. ELTurco

    Turkish armed forces to use zeppelin surveillance system to observe Syrian border

    Long Endurance Multi-INT Vehicle Floating sentinel It will be simiral to American INT Vehicle Kurşun geçirmez zeplinler kuş uçurtmayacak Suriye sınırı, 24 saat 10 km. yüksekten gözetlenecek Bullet proof zeppelins will controll Syrian border 24/7 from 10 km altitude. Kurşun geçirmez zeplinler...
  4. ELTurco

    The burial place of Holy Prothet's Mother hz Aminah

    Point is we should not destroy instead treat it with respect. Friend even some of Martyrs and Evliyaullah are able to move freely at alemi Berzah they are alive.
  5. ELTurco

    The burial place of Holy Prothet's Mother hz Aminah

    Thank you brother.. @Kaan Can you translate this a little bit for our brothers here... Peygamber Efendimiz'in muhterem annelerinin kabrinin son halinin resimlerini Hulûsi Efendi Vakfı'ndan izin alarak sayfalarına taşımış biz de sizlere ulaştırmıştık. İlk kez yayınlanan bu resimler gündem...
  6. ELTurco

    The burial place of Holy Prothet's Mother hz Aminah

    Allahümme Salli ve Sellim Alâ Seyyidinâ Muhammedin ve Alâ Âli Seyyidinâ Muhammed It used to be a shrine but it is destroyed and some Turkish pilgrims are gathering the stones to make the place noticeable.
  7. ELTurco

    Turkish Defence Forum Blacklist

    @Kaan i wont visit here anymore dont worry..
  8. ELTurco


    o_Oo_O sinan ever heard of this saying: Kişi kendisi nasılsa karşısındakini de öyle bilirmiş :undecided: i mean really, you are like the most wrongest person to say that.. its not even funny they attacked me because i am not like them.. so i cannot enjoy this discussion. So child.. refrain...
  9. ELTurco


    Kaan'a saygimdan ötürü cevap vermiyorum kapansin bu konu.
  10. ELTurco


    @rmi5 Why do you think that i give a **** about your religion.. elhamdulilah. Are you serious, how exactly am i imposing my religion on others? if you are honest then can you show me some examples where i did that? Isnt Alevi a branch of Shiism? Can you show me where did i claim that...
  11. ELTurco


    @TheWolf Uydurma, öyle birsey demedim..sadece bunlarla Turk birligi felan olmaz dedim.. sahi bunlarla birlik olunsa kac yazar nolacak? Kan dedin kan.. kan, gen, dna dersen irkicilik olur hayvani boyuta indiriryorsun insani bu kafatasci degilse ne dir? Dinlerini sorgulamadim ki, Turklugunu...
  12. ELTurco


    @Web Master @Oscar @nuclearpak @Aeronaut His avatar is abusing our Islamic Faith this is against forum rules....
  13. ELTurco


    Why dont you just translate what i said instead of creating fitna.. @Web Master He told me to watch my mouth and i answered him that i will speak as i like.. and i just said who the hell are you? thats it.. dont mind this leggionairE.
  14. ELTurco


    Eyvalla Turkdur ama bana gore iki türlü Turk vardir biri yenilmez, dunayayi titreten Turk mesela Osmanlilar, Selcuklular gibi bir de diger tip var aslini dinini kaybetmis, iki tane ermeniye yenilen... veya cekikgözlülerin esiri olarak yasanayan veya ruslarin kölesi olarak yasayan eyvallah...
  15. ELTurco


    @TheWolf , Ister dogru ister yamuk konsurum sen kimsin ulan? Ilgisi, Islam olmayan Türkler aslini kaybetmistir.. örnek müslümanligi ciddiye almayan Azeri Turkleri iki tane Ermeniye karsi yenildiler.. topraginin 20% kaybettiler.. Dinine düskün olsalar Anadolu Turkleri gibi.. oyle olmazdi...
  16. ELTurco

    Turkey makes every effort for liberation of Azerbaijan’s occupied territories

    @Shapur Zol Aktaf What do you mean, i saw his pictures he looks like a normal guy..? o_O wtf? o_O . Listen, i dont know what the hell they are teaching you at Iranian schools but those fellas are in reality Turks so they belong to us.. you are making anti-Turk propaganda.. all lies and...
  17. ELTurco

    Russia warns Ukraine against sale for long range missile technology

    who the hell is India? We got more money and more power...
  18. ELTurco

    Russia warns Ukraine against sale for long range missile technology

    the opposite is true they actually want to piss off Russia..
  19. ELTurco


    so also the Azeri iranians the same.. Sovyetler bunlari fena asimile etmis.. Bunlarla Turk birligi felan olmaz köle olmuslar bunlar köle benligini kaybetmis.. Turklugunu kaybetmislerle Turk birligi olmaz.. :guns::guns::guns::guns::guns::guns::guns::guns:
  20. ELTurco

    Do you hate me? If so,why?

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