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  1. ELTurco

    The Arabian Peninsula and Arab world in photos

    Beautiful pictures also the Arabian horse looks awsome!
  2. ELTurco

    How can we get the Iranian Air Force to buy new fighter jets?

    Why belittle JF17 is it so bad? .
  3. ELTurco

    Top Turkish Scholar calls for Pan Muslim action against ISIL.

    @Mosamania Haha dk 6 moths or so maybe i thought you was death already :woot:
  4. ELTurco

    Top Turkish Scholar calls for Pan Muslim action against ISIL.

    @Mosamania Long time no see welcome back mate! :-)
  5. ELTurco

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    No need to exaggerate just one provocator tried to stirr up the angry crowd against the pm so he got a good beating.. think about it if the planned worked out. angry crowd charges on pm and his group.. what will happen next? can you imagine.. so.. ''If you boo the PM you get smacked''...
  6. ELTurco

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    He got provoked by a well known 'professional' activist also they claimed to be relatives of martyrs turns out to be a lie.. groups come in from different areas of the country just to cause a lot of trouble..
  7. ELTurco

    Soma Coal Mine Disaster | News and Discussion

    Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un Surely we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return may 13-14 and 15 declared national days of mourning
  8. ELTurco

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    @Islamic faith&Secularism Bro, i know you kemalists and leftists Turks the old regime supports like you also i met Kurds who are PKK supporters. also did some research about them read their books and got familiar with their customs and ideologies its all about getting enlightened, womens...
  9. ELTurco

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    Süreyya Karabulut'tan Feyzioğlu açıklaması Münevver Karabulut'un babası Süreyya Karabulut, Metin Feyzioğlu hakkında açıklamalarda bulundu. Yeni Akit gazetesine konuşan Münevver Karabulut'un babası Süreyya Karabulut, Metin Feyzioğlu'nun toplumun yüzkarası olduğunu söyledi. ''GÖMLEKTEKİ...
  10. ELTurco

    MPT-76 Battle Rifle | News and Discussions

    it makes a wonderful sound. i liked it.
  11. ELTurco

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    Good for you
  12. ELTurco

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    non of your business
  13. ELTurco

    Marshal Al-Sissi: the Egyptian army is able to invade Algeria in three days!

    i like that.. unlike the egyptian jokers Algerian state seems to be very professional and serious.
  14. ELTurco

    Marshal Al-Sissi: the Egyptian army is able to invade Algeria in three days!

    this 'marshal' wannabe should come back to earth because taking on Algerian army isnt same as killing unarmed civilians on the streets Cairo.. In such scenario most probably Egyptian soldiers would defect en masse.
  15. ELTurco

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    Erdogan is right.. it was an purely political speech and judges arent supposed to do that.. yes there is free speech but if he want he have to join a political party, maybe CHP besides that the speech itself was provocative, extemely rude and immoral.. so shame on that monkey he got what he...
  16. ELTurco

    Jordan Air Force destroys Armored Vehicles trying to enter Jordan

    Well if that the case then they deserved to get smoked.
  17. ELTurco

    Turkish, Greek jets in first dogfight after 27 months

    Dogfights cost money. Turkish airfoce already trained with NATO standarts.. why waste extra money for dogfights? let greeks play with Albania or something.
  18. ELTurco

    Jordan Air Force destroys Armored Vehicles trying to enter Jordan

    Probably retreating rebel forces cause the SAA has no reason to enter Jordan
  19. ELTurco

    Turkish, Greek jets in first dogfight after 27 months

    If i ruled Turkiye i would ignore them for a while this way they will soon get over confident and make a mistake a wrong move and thats exactly what i want.. opportunity.. than i would go ahead and teach them a lesson militarily and force them to settle our disagreements for once and for all...
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