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  1. ELTurco

    George Friedman's prediction about Turkey, Japan and Poland

    Turkey is not a young and rootless country. Dont Compare Turkey with others.. it is here to stay until end of times.
  2. ELTurco

    George Friedman's prediction about Turkey, Japan and Poland

    @EMERCOM You are just telling us how it is at this moment. But George Friedman is talking about future of next 50-100 years. btw bro, Turkey fears nobody, you obviously dont know Turkey.
  3. ELTurco

    Russian warships cross Turkey's Bosphorus Strait, en route to Syria

    My little child (yavrucugum) you wont understand the greatness of this wonderful project and same with the airport although it will be the largest of whole Europe and one of greatest in world you dont want that aswell.
  4. ELTurco

    Russian warships cross Turkey's Bosphorus Strait, en route to Syria

    The same thing about Russia intervening was said before with Jugoslavia, Iraq and Libya too nothing happend there.
  5. ELTurco

    Turkish Tea House

  6. ELTurco

    Arab nations offered to pay for Syria strike: Kerry

    I don't like his attitude but Turkey retaliated with artillery strikes for 5 days, more than 50 enemy combattants were killed.
  7. ELTurco

    Turkish Armed Forces Multimedia Center

    Military parade
  8. ELTurco

    Turkish Tea House

    @xenon54 Iste demek istedigim tam da bu dusuncelerine saygim var ama yunanli kim ki beni esir alacak, kurtulduk egemenligimizi kazandik felan derken utaniyorum ben.. onlarin ekmegine yag surmekten baska birsey degil. Aslinda bana kalsa resmi tarihe sadece ceteler vardi onlari yok ettik...
  9. ELTurco

    Turkish Tea House

    @xenon54 Ulkeyi kurtardiklari icin degil yunanlilari yendigimizi gereginden fazla abartili övündügümüz icin, 10 tane bayram kutladigimiz icin utanmalilar diyor.. Hem Turk tarihi savaslarla zaferlerle dolu oldugunu dusunursek dedikleri cokta abes degil bence nedersin? evet ama bazende olayi...
  10. ELTurco

    Turkish Tea House

    @Neptune ban him please
  11. ELTurco

    Turkish Tea House

    Arkadaslar siyasi görüsleriniz veya ideolojileriniz her ne olursa olsun Kadir misiroglunun her dediklerleriye hem fikir degilim ama ben yunanlilarin sanki Turklerin rakibi veya dengi gibi gösterilmesine hic bir zaman hazmedemedim ve boyle yapilmasinin aslinda utanilacak birsey ve yanlis oldugunu...
  12. ELTurco

    Turkish Tea House

    Farsca ve Arapca threadlerde var.
  13. ELTurco

    Turkish Tea House

    Ayakta alkisliyorum seni kardes.
  14. ELTurco

    What do you Think about Turkic People

    Turan Conference Hungary
  15. ELTurco

    What do you Think about Turkic People

    Thats not true..
  16. ELTurco

    What do you Think about Turkic People

    @MertKaan Thank you for beautiful folk dance video and i am also Cuvash Turk. :) Some of them yes.. Magyars are Turkic indeed. AFAIK Circassians are not.
  17. ELTurco

    Turkish Tea House

    Zwart mwart derken iyi, Hollandanin polisi yokmu? :lol:
  18. ELTurco

    Turkish Tea House

    Evet o sarkinin sonunda herkesi siradan geciriyor saydiririyor.
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