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  1. ELTurco

    Arabic Coffee shop

    @WebMaster @Aeronaut Guys these racist gypsies and sectarian alawites attack me cause i am not of them please do something about it.. i just plead from you to make them stay away from me.. nothing more.. i dont even look to Turkish Defence section anymore.. so there should be no issues left...
  2. ELTurco

    Arabic Coffee shop

    @WebMaster @Aeronaut tell this cockraoch to leave me in peace.. he (@Sinan) demand from me to stay away from here did i missed something does he own the forum or something? how ridicilous is that? wont you atleast tell him to stfu and stay away from me?
  3. ELTurco

    Arabic Coffee shop

    @al-Hasani Yes you should really consider anytime brother its an honor for me to welcome you to our great home town Kayseri too. same here mate women hate football ofcourse they prefer to see soap opera. anyway, Besiktas thats a district in Istanbul i've visited Istanbul couple of times for...
  4. ELTurco

    Arabic Coffee shop

    @al-Hasani Hasani, i am from Kayseri province a city in central Turkey Kayseri province is one of most wealthy and industrialized city compared to rest of Turkey..also our cuisine is famous and we have lot of highest quality of gold.. we are not like these gypsies from Ankara or Istanbul...
  5. ELTurco

    Arabic Coffee shop

    @Hazzy997 Thank you bro nice to have you too Hope you are well and stuff You can see those racist alawite fake turks disguised themselves as kemalist dislike me and want me to disappear from here but my real broz in religion welcome me back that made me happy thank you much again.
  6. ELTurco

    Top Turkish Scholar calls for Pan Muslim action against ISIL.

    Dont mention my name please Yea sure you follow and stalk me all the time but somehow you dont care? Sure you crazy lunatic just leave me alone stop stalking me and dont mention my name. @Aeronaut @WebMaster Guys please tell this freak to leave me alone
  7. ELTurco

    Top Turkish Scholar calls for Pan Muslim action against ISIL.

    @al-Hasani They are islamofobe to some extend yes They are also anti-Arab for sure! But dont get me wrong they are a bunch of alawites who dont represent the Turks. Anyway i'm sure you know what i mean.
  8. ELTurco

    Top Turkish Scholar calls for Pan Muslim action against ISIL.

    Dont get me wrong i dont mind that eihter just they dont accept me so what should i do in this case? I dont want anything from them just to leave me alone in peace,. Mods: i ask you guys to keep an eye on this lunatic @Sinan he harras and insult me all the time!!
  9. ELTurco

    Top Turkish Scholar calls for Pan Muslim action against ISIL.

    Bro al-Hasani he is a jelous hatefull psycho lier like all the other secularist turks in this forum they cant stand religious Sunni Turks like me thats it bro..
  10. ELTurco

    Top Turkish Scholar calls for Pan Muslim action against ISIL.

    @Sinan the fanatic secularist son of racist alawite listen to me.. I have a hard time to understand.. do you own the forum? Everyone is free to visit and participate the forum is not your fathers farm or something so you dont decide anything. Also i dont come back for you.. And i know you...
  11. ELTurco

    Top Turkish Scholar calls for Pan Muslim action against ISIL.

    @al-Hasani Thank you dear brother Al-Hasani its an honor for me. I am happy to see you too.
  12. ELTurco

    RATSHIP ' IŞIN ' will be Launched Tomorrow...

    Donate them to one of our African brother country.
  13. ELTurco

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    They have Turkish army camo?
  14. ELTurco

    Top Turkish Scholar calls for Pan Muslim action against ISIL.

    Sisi is right in his opinion
  15. ELTurco

    Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

    It is starting to look like a real good tank but still some changes need to be done.. the front and sides are too squared especially the front shouldnt be flat like that it must be sharp otherwise impact from at missile or rpg will be more destructive and turret overal must be slimmer like the...
  16. ELTurco

    USA vs Germany

    I support the USA & France! France will be the champion tho.
  17. ELTurco

    Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

    7.62 gun, main gun sight/thermal sight my guess
  18. ELTurco

    How can we get the Iranian Air Force to buy new fighter jets?

    Well yea but then again they claim Qaher to be on par with F35 so Qaher or Saegah it doesnt matter all those are top notch state of the art machines. Am i right my Iranian friends?
  19. ELTurco

    How can we get the Iranian Air Force to buy new fighter jets?

    Mosa the super duper Saegah is like medium sized Uav it has never flown its built from plastic material its so small only a monkey would fit in the cockpit
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