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  1. ELTurco

    Anti-Turkism, also known as Turcophobia

    Why does an intelligent iranian like @Surenas hate and insult the Turks, is it because the past Turk rule over Iran or does she belong to armenian minority from Iran? And what about iraqi @Doritos11 is it because Ottomans ruled the Iraq or pan-arabism or something else?
  2. ELTurco

    Anti-Turkism, also known as Turcophobia

    At another thread our dear friend @Surenas was insulting @rmi5. She insulted our iranian azeri friend @rmi5 just because he have Turk origin, so I decided to do a little research about Turcophobia and found this on Wikipedia. Anti-Turkism, also known as Turcophobia (Turkophobia) or...
  3. ELTurco

    PM Tayyip Erdogan Arrives Pakistan - Pakistan Turkey Brotherhood Forever

    Post reported. On-topic: it should be high speed railway otherwise you'll be on journey for a week.
  4. ELTurco

    nice footage of Reza Shah with Ataturk and others.

    I had never seeen this wonderful video before. thanks to .Mehran from Waff.
  5. ELTurco

    Kobe vs. Messi: The Selfie Shootout

    Basketball star Kobe Bryant and football icon Lionel Messi are back in this epic face-off for selfie supremacy. Armed with cameras and Turkish Airlines - the carrier that flies to more countries than any other - these superstars show up and show off across the globe. This nice commercial...
  6. ELTurco

    An Anology/Contradiction in The Arab Section and The Turkish Section.

    @Sinan okay i would never post there, we should make separate ones for each country. Thats according to you, i enjoy reading his posts and learn from them, but it depend your own personality imo although you write a lot of things and Islamic faith&Secularism doesnt but i still feel that he...
  7. ELTurco

    An Anology/Contradiction in The Arab Section and The Turkish Section.

    @Islamic faith&Secularism we choose him as our mod he should make things easier for us ''the Turkish members'' thats why we elected him but he is doing the opposite for no reason.
  8. ELTurco

    An Anology/Contradiction in The Arab Section and The Turkish Section.

    @Sinan That's your opinion ofcourse it represent Turkey but not Turkey alone who are you to limit it only to Turkey, at the same time it can and should include all Turkic states similar to Arab defence. First of all, as long as he dont insult he can refer to him/her as he wish and there is...
  9. ELTurco

    An Anology/Contradiction in The Arab Section and The Turkish Section.

    Why are you speaking on behalf of neptune are you his adva definitely his personal stance, no other mod than him would ever make a issue about that.
  10. ELTurco

    Turkish Tea House

    @Islamic faith&Secularism @Neptune military&political development adinda bu ulkelere stickyler acin. Bizler malzeme geldikce besleriz. Kazakistan, Türkmenistan, Özbekistan, Kırgızistan,KKTC.
  11. ELTurco

    Turkish Tea House

    @Islamic faith&Secularism Bizim bölüme katmak istedigimiz Turki cumhuriyetler sizce hangi ulkelerden olusur onu yazin bakalim tartisalim gerekirse hepsine sticky threadler acilmali.. sticky olmasi icin illa popüler olmali diye bir kural yok önemli olan kendi aramizda bu ulkeleri tam olarak...
  12. ELTurco

    22 top airforces (based on plane quality and quantity).

    I was about to ask mr @cabatli_53 to educate you on this matter but there is no need anymore @500 already did.
  13. ELTurco

    22 top airforces (based on plane quality and quantity).

    @500 Can you add Azerbaijan i'm curious what place they rank compared to Iran.
  14. ELTurco

    Turkish Tea House

    Arkadaslar, suna bir bakarmisiniz. Hıncal Uluç'tan G.Saray taraftarına ağır sözler! Spor yazarı Hıncal Uluç, Galatasaray taraftarları için "Maçlara mastürbasyon yapmak için geliyorlar" ifadesini kullandı. Hıncal Uluç'un Galatasaraylı taraftarlar için, "Taraftarlarda Galatasaraylılık ruhu...
  15. ELTurco

    The US objects to selling UAV parts to Turkey

    It also says camera system that doesnt make sense both laser pointer and camera system can be produced indigenous.
  16. ELTurco

    Turkish Tea House

    @Islamic faith&Secularism @olcayto Agalar private mesaj gonderme olasiligi varsa nasil gonderebilirim ona bakiyorum da bulamuyorum.
  17. ELTurco

    Turkish Tea House

    @Sinan O konulari sorabilecegin en yanlis kisilere soruyorsun, din konusunda her iki tarafla da bizim isimiz olmaz.
  18. ELTurco

    Ottoman Empire Documentary

  19. ELTurco

    Turkish Tea House

    it reached 1.454.933 views on YouTube in less than 1 day.
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