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  1. P

    I need an answer, it's important to me.

    well Sword played most important role Behind embracing Islam. nothing to do with Fitraath it was cultural invasion.
  2. P

    UAE sentences Indian man to death over rape

    that's it , It's not Rapist , It's Society which More cruel, they pour their Anger on rapist as Death Penalty.
  3. P

    UAE sentences Indian man to death over rape

    it's not About you and me it's about all People around how they will treat her ? Her Marriage ? Even ****-Head guy doesn't Accept Raped girl ! If Some one does it will be considered big Sacrifice , charity or some kind of Gandhi work which is not.
  4. P

    UAE sentences Indian man to death over rape

    Death Penalty to Every rape is showroom of S-hit Community which is worse than Rapist.
  5. P

    UAE sentences Indian man to death over rape

    i know , I assumed you as Asian and i just explained some benefit of Western Culture which we should include in Asian Societies.
  6. P

    UAE sentences Indian man to death over rape

    That's +Point of Western Culture , Due to Open Culture Victim Women Doesn't end up as taboo , in Asian Societies actually Raped women face more Problem From Society than Rapist. Rapist Rape her only Once But Society Rape her whole life. So some of such S-Hit Societies gives death to...
  7. P

    UAE sentences Indian man to death over rape

    Why ? .............
  8. P

    UAE sentences Indian man to death over rape

    that's right Death as a punishment is very Heavy Price , Shows that The Community/Country is Worse than Rapist.
  9. P

    Mullahism V/S Liberalism

    99% Muslim Countries are Theocratic , Racism is Institutionalized in Constitution . Ethnic cleansing of minority is Goal of every Muslim Country . Islam is not Religion peace , it's Fact. Tolerance is Zero . Place where Islam born there is not a single non-Muslim Religious Existence (Saudi)...
  10. P

    IIIT-A -Two Students Selcted by Facebook Rs 60 lakh annum (INR)

    Last it was high Facebook offered 75 L. some NIT guy , This time i guess Economic Down lowered package , Facebook had low time this year.
  11. P

    IIIT-A -Two Students Selcted by Facebook Rs 60 lakh annum (INR)

    ALLAHABAD: Two students of Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad(IIIT-A) have landed lucrative job with popular social networking site Facebook for a salary of Rs pe 60 lakh annum. Another student has been selected as student ambassador of Google, bringing the institute on the...
  12. P

    Saudi Arabia awards $22.5 bln contracts to build Riyadh metro

    guess what Companies are US based !
  13. P

    Saudi Arabia awards $22.5 bln contracts to build Riyadh metro

    Ya i know infrastructure is necessary for industrialization. But Metro Project in 22 billion naaaaa it's over Priced Project from Western Companies. Be careful Most Important Thing to keep industrialization alive is Human Power , Professionals, Friendly Environment , without them this...
  14. P

    Indian Denial Accepting Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism as Separate Religions

    Only Muslim Secessionist/Terrorist Group are dangerous for India , it's the only religion and community divided India in history , other all are just dead names with some foolish People without any mass Support.
  15. P

    Saudi Arabia awards $22.5 bln contracts to build Riyadh metro

    Save PetroDollars , When Oil Reserve would come to end it will help Saudi People ! , Saudi Don't Have much Potential of Human Professionals , Education System is Religious , No tourism from Western countries Future will be very hard.
  16. P

    Internal Affair of Bangladesh?

    Very Shame ... Rapist , Terrorist are Heroes for Pakistan .... we can see why Pakistan is in this Pathetic conditions.. When Muslims going to realize , Secularism is only way to achieve Peace full community , this behavior of Muslims going to kick them out of Western countries one day.
  17. P

    'They don't fire at terrorists': Mother of teen on bike killed in Delhi

    they thrown stones at police , it was mob of 150 bikers , it's sad incident but good for stubborn Bikers a lesson . Even Police will take this matter seriously now.
  18. P

    Malala at the UN: We are proud of our sister.

    i saw headlines " Malala Fighting for Education in Pakistan " by leaving Pakistan and Living in UK with All "Family" Members. :lol: I doubt she will ever put her leg on Pakistani soil now.
  19. P

    Rohani stresses Iran-Pakistan relations

    you cant not be Friend with Iran and Saudi same time being a Muslim country , Rise of Taliban will be sure then and Help will flow from all Sunni countries to them.
  20. P

    Indian govt behind Mumbai Attacks: Satish Verma

    well ! , we don't destroy anyone , we believe in creating not Destroying anyone. Destroying is your Culture and your fate as well which is moving towards destruction. :coffee:
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