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  1. zimmick

    Australia's Lee retires from international cricket

    We all Love you in India. We love your Smile, Excellent Bowling and superb Fielding too. We all wish you a nice time what ever you do and where ever you live. Do come to India and we want to see some more of your bowling and fielding with the same smile!
  2. zimmick

    India to downgrade relationship with Denmark

    UPA should give example of kasb and afzal--they are enjoying on public money.:cheesy:
  3. zimmick

    Send back Sri Lankan Air Force trainees: Jayalalithaa

    We shoud train and support Srilanka....Srilanka is our friendly neighbour country. Let these tamilans(Kongas) go out of our federal system
  4. zimmick

    Israeli threat to attack Syria over chemical weapons

    If this is official then it should be announced in an official world address by the Prime ministers office and not through the backdoor by a former head of intelligence. There are better ways of getting the word out, like, "Do this and you'll get that!" Yes folks, it's reached that time, the...
  5. zimmick

    War in August? US sends fourth aircraft carrier, dozens of underwater drone

    So they'll be waiting for after the Olympics, I take it. And if USA doesn't win any gold ... they'll blame it on the stress they hold coz of the Iran situation and then attack Iran for it. So, predictions are all over the place about the Olympics, so if anything is left after that then the...
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