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  1. zimmick

    India, US close to inking over $600 m jet engine deal

    NEW DELHI, JULY 15: India and the US are close to signing a deal worth over $600 million for supplying 99 jet engines that would be used in the indigenous Light Combat Aircraft ‘Tejas’ being developed by the DRDO. Around two years ago, India had selected the American company General...
  2. zimmick

    South Korea to resume oil imports from Iran

    Easy for US...an oil producing nation to impose sanctions...and expect non-producing nations like Korea to function life as usual. EVERYTHING relies on oil. From moving the food to feed your fat face, to building the pig sty you live in.
  3. zimmick

    Asma Jahangir or Hussain Haroon as caretaker PM?

    In Democrazy!!! You have right to raise your Voice. Don't Worry, when a Dictator will Rule Pakistan; then also you'll crib ;)
  4. zimmick

    Asma Jahangir or Hussain Haroon as caretaker PM?

    It is too good to be true.Pakistan has been waiting for such a leadership to emerge through elections but unfortunately the same parties, now reportedly supporting them,have been too family and self centered to claim them at the highest level.But the contribution by such a learned leadership to...
  5. zimmick

    Focus China: Strike corps plan back on drawing board

    You cant wait to see China Destroying India But you must me be Enjoying US Droning Your Citizens, Daily Bomb Blats in Your Country, Taliban Killing Your Soldiers etc etc War will not lead anyone anywhere...
  6. zimmick

    Ninety five per cent Pakistanis believe they are in financial trouble

    amazingly, India is not blamed for anything??? something must be wrong :cheesy:
  7. zimmick

    Karachi death toll surges to 15

    May the Soul Of Deceased Rest In Peace. I Hope the Culprits will be held and harsh punishment is meted out to them.
  8. zimmick

    lets Laugh

    I Like the Play Bakra Kishto Pay by "Umer Sharif", He is a Legend and The Great Russell Peters :cheesy:
  9. zimmick

    Syria: Tremseh killings targeted rebels, UN says

    The U.N. to Syrian opposition: "You are on your own however; we will condemn the killing of your wife and children in the strongest possible terms."
  10. zimmick

    Pakistan heading to ......

    Mate, Being a Pakistani National, What do you yourself think where it is heading??? You know the Ground Realities & Other Things...
  11. zimmick

    Article 370: The untold story

    The Best solution allow the MNCS to invade the region first generate cash flow for local youth and people then let the other stream and fill in the state , once that is done , the kashmiris on *** will realize the difference of staying in india and staying in pakistan..
  12. zimmick

    Pakistan needs to come clean on terrorism, says Germany

    wish more nations remind Pakistan nation of this simple fact. of course, in Pak, who do you talk with? democratically elected govt.? Army? ISI? Mullahs? Jihadists? Tribal warlords? or the terrorists? No matter what you think of their past, presently, they are economic superpower in Europe and...
  13. zimmick

    Rusia sends some Helicopters for fight against NATO sponsored terrorist

    Well with a Russian naval base situated in Syria, it's not a huge surprise they're backing the current regime.
  14. zimmick

    Pakistani Doctor's Strike: Hit Home

    Mate, We have also witnessed strike like these India. We Don't Human Life & Doctor's First Priority Is to Save the Life Of A Patient but now there Priority Is Money. I Hope, we start valuing Human Life. The Person Who Lose his Dear One, Only knows what he goes through and not the doctors..
  15. zimmick

    Indian-American astronaut Sunita Williams takes off for second space journe

    Congratulations to the Young lady and I salute here for her tremendous achievements and pray god for her safe return after achieving the desired goal. India has not right to claim of any pride on account of this since we are still backward by centuries in granting the basic rights to the woman...
  16. zimmick

    Another girl in Asam molested.

  17. zimmick

    Pakistani police arrest man accused of burying alive his newborn daughter

    Why you did this horrible creature. Why your dad did not do itto you. Hop you get life imprisonment and never come out. In feel sorry for the loss of life of an infant.
  18. zimmick


    go go go India! yes! this is awesome. more competition, more pressure, more forward momentum! we should all be doing this together. i applaud this initiative, and if they can indeed launch next year..that would be super impressive!
  19. zimmick

    Khan Khwar project to come on line today

    A small but indeed a good news for People Of :pakistan:
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