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  1. Peace Rocks~

    Is there a chance that Pakistan would nuke India?

    Yes there's every chance PAF will nuke India if war breaks out.But the Indians wont be sitting quietly will they? Things are moving fast?Yep,They are moving pretty fast all right ; towards nowhere.The Pakistani media is good in one thing,It spreads a lot of wrong information about the...
  2. Peace Rocks~

    India fanatical hindu warmongerers demand war with Pakistan!

    RSS does not hold any grip over other political parties and the statements politicians make during terror attacks or any other important events is considered as trash talk by the people of India.RSS is nothing more than a joke. I doubt whether there would be anymore war between India and...
  3. Peace Rocks~

    Mumbai Attacks

    For the full article please visit:http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/08/world/asia/08terror.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1 Pakistan’s Spies Aided Group Tied to Mumbai Siege This article was reported by Eric Schmitt, Mark Mazzetti and Jane Perlez and written by Mr. Schmitt. American officials say...
  4. Peace Rocks~

    India: all talk and no evidence

    India is not stupid,Pakistan is not stupid either.Please , let's leave it at that.:sick: Maybe the next person who posts saying that "India/Pakistan is stupid" is stupid !
  5. Peace Rocks~

    India: all talk and no evidence

    So you think Condozella Rice persuaded Pakistan to take action without India presenting her(The USA) concrete proof about Pakistan's Terrorist outfits being involved in the attacks? And do you think the FBI came all the way from US to Mumbai to go dancing in Goa? I reckon that even the FBI has...
  6. Peace Rocks~

    India: all talk and no evidence

    @thread maker: Your guess about the terrorist being Hindu does not deny the fact that; he and the rest of the terrorists started their "Blood Lust" tour of mumbai from pakistani land.It's really sad that you are still fighting about religions and blind to the fact that terrorists kill...
  7. Peace Rocks~

    Iran refused Indian Air Force aircraft to fly over its territory

    My country would rather see the terrorists dead than see them attacking our own reigons and killing our people.And if you think killing terrorists is dirty work,I could find a lot of people who could do that work.And can i ask under what basis you called my statements silly?
  8. Peace Rocks~

    Iran refused Indian Air Force aircraft to fly over its territory

    So are you saying that Pakistan should just confess to the USA that it doesn't like being forced to do some "stuff" like arresting the man behind the mumbai attacks and the so called "war on terror"?:rofl:
  9. Peace Rocks~

    India releases details of nine dead Mumbai gunmen

    Sad incidents like that do happen.What you must realize is that politicians are immune to the powers of the long arm of the law thanks to the heavy weight lifting they do during the elections and you should not forget that corruption has its roots spread all over the world.But incidents like...
  10. Peace Rocks~

    India releases details of nine dead Mumbai gunmen

    hem..hem..Let me ask you something.Why would India want to create terrorism in its own region?These barbaric attacks were made by none other than the Jihadi separatists. Kashmir is like the head of India and people who live there are a part of our nation no matter to what religion they may...
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