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  1. V

    22 killed in US missile strike in N Waziristan

    What has Pakistan reduced it self to....killing own people and getting reimbursed for that from USA.On top of it haggling like we killed more and are under paid. How can you guys go to sleep every night with so much blood on your hands.Still happy counting all the toys that you have brought...
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    Russia, India Begin Joint Anti-piracy Operations off Somalia

    Hey come on be a sport..... Don't be rude.....What they say is a fact. If we think we are perfect and the greatest then their will be no room for improvement. Let deeds speak and not words. Keep in mind no one is invincible.
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    Russia, India Begin Joint Anti-piracy Operations off Somalia

    hahahahahahah..... Good one.....yeah basics first.
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    Kargil and PAF's role - by a PAF officer.

    A in depth analysis well documented. Slowly pakistani people will understand the generals have done more harm than good to the country in last sixty years. The only good they have done is to themselves.They have been creating this fear of war in the minds of masses to keep themselves in...
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    Gilani, Putin agreed to expand strategic dialogue

    Putin has not forgotten what role you played in Afghanistan. Always keep it in mind. India will excercise its economic and diplomatical pressure where it has a say that is what global diplomatic relations are all about. Jumping from the American lap to the Russian lap will be like jumping...
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    Pakistan says it arrests 3 alleged Indian agents

    Terrorist has no country or religion you must punish them. There can not be double standards on this issue. A Indian life is not more precious than a Pakistani life . All I can request you is give them a fair trial as per your laws and let the law of the land apply.We can agree to disagree...
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    The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

    Ok go ahead and try your luck..... The most peacefull nation on earth....
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    Muslims in indian army

    I think the facts pointed out by you is correct. We have to try to improve this as a country accepting a disparity exists is the first step towards addressing of the issue. Some fault lies with the muslim brothers also they have to take family planning and education seriously. When...
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    Indian Bluff

    Shame..... What are you trying to hint at is clear....wolf in sheeps clothing. I too am a christian and am Indian too.Why you want our Hindu brothers to go why can't you go.Sick guys like you are a pain on both sides of the border.
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    Indian Bluff

    Well Neo I agree fully with you all the reasons for not going to war with Pakistan is correct. But this is what happens when a democratically elected government is in power. They have to weigh the options as to what one gain and what one looses. The posturing was for local consumption and in...
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    Mumbai Attacks

    Why blame Islam for all your problems or make it an excuse. Islam will be known by the acts of people who practice it so it is the duty and the responsibility of all who practice Islam that Islam is viewed as any other Holy religion. The vices suggested by you are part of the western culture...
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    Another indian drama:RDX being smuggled into India with cement from Pak

    Point taken buddy... In all the cases which you have pointed out above the truth has come out on basis of free and fair investigation carried out in India. That is what the story is on our side so don't get worried if you are not involved. We have a independent and established judiciary where...
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    Few words of appreciation

    I agree this is a great forum and the admin must get due credit for keeping it so. Keep it up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Another indian drama:RDX being smuggled into India with cement from Pak

    I understand your anger and frustration on such news. If I was from Pakistan even I would. The fact is there can be no smoke with out fire. After the Ajmal Kasab episode you think you have the moral right to disagree to such allegations. Think about it.
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    Picture of the Day

    A very nobel thought.... Why limit Allah's mercy to pakistan alone lets wish women of all world...what you say.
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    India has no better friend, partner than the US: Obama

    Yeah will take that advice seriously... Sure you know them very well....maybe realized a bit late.
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    Purohit Wanted to Establish Hindu Rashtra

    Dear Friend don't wonder.... The investigation is not dependent on one individual in India it is the system which acts and books the culprit. We don’t hide any one who does wrong and there are no non state actors. We don’t have so called security analyst spinning stories on our national...
  18. V

    Indian "Nationalistic Hate Propaganda" against Pakistan

    Buddy, Please don’t single us on basis of religion. That ploy won't work ....we are all proud to be Indians and happy to follow our respective religions there is no conflict. May be it is tooo much for your narrow mind to understand
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    News from Bangladesh-Updates and Discussion

    Now my **** friends understand why India had to get involved in 71. Now as two mature independent nation you can have the type of relations that you want. I wish the people of Bangladesh for completing a democratic process sucessfully....wish you peace and harmony.
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    U.S. Must Force Indo And Pak to Resolve Kashmir Issue: Musharraf

    I think this is a brilliant idea.... How about Balochistan and Sind too FATA is any way independent country. How about Karachi with all those non state actors.
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