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  1. M

    Gun collections - Please no politics/gun control rants

    Why was this thread moved from weapons club area? This is not a general defense post and certainly has an international aspect. Could whoever moved this please move it back. I won't post any more pictures or materials until this thread is restored to weapons club area.
  2. M

    Gun collections - Please no politics/gun control rants

    My 416 is actually a post sample. SOT dealers are free to sell these as uppers after destroying the FA trigger. Even so, these are fairly rare and cost a little more than most guns out there but I think they are worth it.
  3. M

    Gun collections - Please no politics/gun control rants

    Another angle. I like how the camera focused on the hollow point bullets in my 357 magnum revolver.
  4. M

    Gun collections - Please no politics/gun control rants

    Fine. All this talk of 50 bmg, I find myself forced to upload pics of my Berratt 82A1 (50 bmg). Finally figured out how to put the upper and lower together without help. Enjoy:
  5. M

    Gun collections - Please no politics/gun control rants

    Now that is what we call a post full of awesome. Great stuff.
  6. M

    Gun collections - Please no politics/gun control rants

    I am not going to get into petty arguments with you. Suffice it to say, I have beaten F430, Gallardo and 911 (997 turbo) with my car (all rolling starts, too much wheelspin to compete with the awd sports monsters from dig). This is not to say I haven't lost races, I have run with Murcielago...
  7. M

    Need help finding guns

    For someone who spent nearly all there life in Canada, your English seems to be a good indicator of your mental capacity.
  8. M

    Gun collections - Please no politics/gun control rants

    I was cleaning my HK416 just now and couldn't help but marvel at the complexity and over-engineering evident in the bolt alone. Obviously the barrel is and other parts are just as incredible but this post is about the bolt. Enjoy:
  9. M

    Body Armour

    Not sure I follow you here. Are you saying level IV can stop a 50? Regardless, there is no armor that can stop a 50 except sufficiently thick steel. It is called an anti material round for a reason - commonly used to demolish concrete houses very very quickly. To even consider a personal...
  10. M

    M4 Carbine, United States

    Wrong. 7.62 nato round is much more accurate, able to hit at least 200-300 meters longer with deadlier force. You are confusing the russian round with nato round when you made above statement.
  11. M

    Gun collections - Please no politics/gun control rants

    What is with this weird attitude people? What is this whole thing with trust? Are you saying the car in video is not a Gallardo? It is not difficult to google Gallardo Interiors: gallardo interiors - Google Images
  12. M

    Gun collections - Please no politics/gun control rants

    Interesting. I shoot at a range or out in the boonies only. It is not legal where I live to shoot within 2 miles of a highway or built up structure. Check out the race with the lambo though:
  13. M

    Gun collections - Please no politics/gun control rants

    Really? Okay here is my daily driver. Has an unholy acceleration that never ends all the way to 208 miles per hour (yes, that is over 330 km/hour) - Over 500 hp stock and an smg gearbox that shifts like you hit a dog and ran it over at triple digit speeds. I have beaten my friend's lambo...
  14. M

    Gun collections - Please no politics/gun control rants

    One of the few with armor piercing capability, not that I stock the black tip ss190 steel core rounds :guns:
  15. M

    Gun collections - Please no politics/gun control rants

    No need to do anything of the sort. You can doubt all you want. I wonder what you guys would think if shared pictures of my garage, good thing this is not a car forum :undecided:
  16. M

    Gun collections - Please no politics/gun control rants

    Beer cans? What beer cans? You mean soda cans, right? :what: Can't wait, thanks. Wow, this thing looks awesome. 16 shots of 9mm? That is pretty neat. I have FN five seven that by default takes 20 rounds of 5.7x28mm ammo but I have extensions for my mags allowing me to have 30 rounds in...
  17. M

    Gun collections - Please no politics/gun control rants

    Does it matter where I am? As for the real or replica question, pictures in my last post should be enough to answer your question. Next week, I will post either the scar or FN five seven handgun internals.
  18. M

    Gun collections - Please no politics/gun control rants

    I do:coffee: fn is Fabrique Nationale scar stands for special Special Forces Combat Assault Rifle mk16 is the rifle's designation (the other one is MK17) elcan is for the elcan spectre dr scope on the gun Capiche? Okay here are some shots of the lwrc internals, enjoy :woot:
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