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  1. S

    The Most powerful country in Islamic world

    yes ******** israel is atomic power but they have not second strike capability as five or six missile at once will vanish the 6 million israeli population from the face of the world mr con
  2. S

    The Most powerful country in Islamic world

    well dear friends. one of my friend niaz try to say that saudi arabia is the powerfull country coze it can project power throughout the region. sorry man i donot agree with you. My goal to post this thread was to compare the islamic armies in just pure militiarywise. pakistan is...
  3. S

    The Most powerful country in Islamic world

    well these are not one sided planes. incase of any attack pakistan will respond
  4. S

    The Most powerful country in Islamic world

    Yes i have already admitted in my first post that not only turkey but KSA is mighter than pakistan in conventional capabilities. Well merely hitting usa with missiles not means harming usa. there rae money other ways to harm them.In case of full scale us invasion ,pakistan can hit the us naval...
  5. S

    The Most powerful country in Islamic world

    Well friend i have told you that in conventional field Turkey is the powerfull country wether it is army ,navy or airforce.One of my friend post about the might of turkish navy .I will now state airforce Turkey hase more than 200 F-16 blk 32 and they are doing CCIP upgrades to them which will...
  6. S

    The Most powerful country in Islamic world

    Well there are many powerfull islamic states but i want the real comparison af all the services i.e Army, Airforce, Navy and all the subordinates under these services. According to my own opinion. 1 Pakistan 2 Turkey 3 Saudi Arabia 4 Malaysia 5 Iran Well in conventional fields the...
  7. S

    Pakistani Military Strength

    Well manhoos your army strength was tested in kargil war where some thousand mujahideens out numbered the professional army of millions. your media lies with u people.In 2002 the frustration of Indian army chief declare the tactical victory of pakistan .In a statment he said that vajpai let us...
  8. S

    Pakistan's Special Operations Forces: SSG | SSGN | SSW | SOW | SOG

    Well acompany of SSG named BLACK STORKS were sent to afghanistan during the afghan war. They outnumbered the russian spetnaz there the world one of the top elite company.This is there real historic success on which we should be proud.they look deadly yaar
  9. S

    Pakistani Aircraft Engines, SAMs & AAMs

    i am new in this forum.Guys Dont worry about the SAM's as we are getting FT2000 from china .
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