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  1. S

    Taiwan holds military drills amid Philippine row

    even if they don't want to show it to the public, shouldn't the Philippines authorities can just send a copy of the video to Taiwan and settle all the issue ? Why build up the tension if you have the video to prove everything?
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    Taiwan holds military drills amid Philippine row

    would like to ask your opinion , is it this is how's things work in Philippines always, that it takes so long to release video evidence to public?
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    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    smh, at least go read the news before you comment, your Justice Secretary claimed the Taiwanese investigation team went there on their own. MANILA, Philippines—The Taiwanese government cannot just send investigators to the Philippines, Justice Secretary Leila De Lima said Thursday...
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    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    Taiwan didn't lie. According to UNCLOS which gives some rules on the law of the sea ( signed by both Taiwan and the Philippines), territorial waters where the coastal state is free to set laws, regulate use, and use any resource would cover only 12 nautical miles. I haven't calculated the...
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    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    nice to have people like you around here, so that we can have some intelligent discussion, too much trolling around atm
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    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    so Taiwan authorities had examined the fisherman boat and found out that the fisherman boat was shot by PCG from behind and left side , i would love to see how the Filipinos going to explain the ramming/self defense thing now.......
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    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    2013-05-15 09:30:30 AM Taiwan has slammed Manila's response to the shooting death of a Taiwanese fisherman in disputed waters as less than formal or sincere, and says it is recalling its representative and will discourage travel to the Philippines. Premier Jiang Yi-huah said Wednesday that the...
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    Taiwan Starts Drill After Rebuffing Aquino Over Death at Sea

    don't see any bad thing? come on your country just become the biggest joke now , the Taiwanese Navy are all over the area where the shooting occurred , but your Navy not even dare to say a word. Act tough against unarmed fisherman but hide when warship came?
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    Taiwan fisherman shot dead by Filipino military

    shouldn't Philippines send their Navy to the location now? why Philippines defend their territory against fisherman but not opponents Navy?
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    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    love how Filipinos believe whatever their government feed them , especially with the corrupted situation there , if the coast guard did nothing wrong in the incident , you would expect they had release their recording video and tell Taiwan to stfu
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    Taiwan fisherman shot dead by Filipino military

    what do you expect? sent them all over to Libya , Pakistan to train ? or left them alone there to get wiped out by Marcos? the rebels troops were formed because your government massacred them not because we asked them to , those people joined your army and get killed ! don't worry about Sabah ...
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    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    ok first i need to make myself clear , it was a bad post , i was trying to make an example to stop people talking about other incident , i didn't conclude that Philippines nor China was totally wrong in both incident As for those rebels ,they had been wiped out ,thanks for your consent , i'm...
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    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    in case you don't know China and Taiwan are different country , if you angry for your fellow VN's fisherman , shouldn't you felt the same way for the Taiwanese fisherman in similar tragedy? Both Taiwan and Vietnam were the victims while Philippines and China were the offenders don't they?
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    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    very true , it's hard to believe their words when they refused to release the video to public .
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    Taiwan fisherman shot dead by Filipino military

    you should read more as well , Malaysia is just one of the Islamic country that offered assist to the Muslim people in Philippines out of sympathy, and it was because Jabidah massacre .Philippines government tried to cover up a failed plan to invade Sabah by massacred the Muslim people they...
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    Taiwan fisherman shot dead by Filipino military

    Philippines kept upsetting their neighboring countries recently , Hong Kong (Manila hostage incident) , China( disputed islands) , Malaysia ( Sabah incident) , and now Taiwan ....
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    Taiwan fisherman shot dead by Filipino military

    Philippine deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte, at a press briefing on Friday, said the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) “responded accordingly” to the situation. “It was an aggressive act, the ramming of the boat into our vessel was certainly an aggressive act, so the PCG responded...
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