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  • ohhh...sorry bhai
    i never meant it the wrong way...i just found a very funny article and thought i wud post it for you guys.
    i would ask the mods to delete it if you found it objectional....and brother as far as i can remember I've never posted anything on shoib before.
    my apologies again.
    Yeah, I know. It was very horrible. Advocates of human rights killing and torturing for human rights. The democracy built on blood. Is there even such a thing. Hundreds of thanks for the offer. Will sure if I get around there. Take good care.
    Asim just completed 16000 posts. Please start a congratulatory thread.

    I hope xx is going to completely recover and my prayers for. As a professor of mine had said long time ago: always pray to God that if he is going to give you cancer, he may give you a vocal cord or a basal cell. And that is from a professor who treats these. The prognosis is much better than for alot of other normal diseases such as malaria or TB in some ways. So dont worry.
    Generally very good prognosis, specially if detected early and treated. Grows very slowly, and remains confined to its own location without generally any metastasis (good thing). Different ways to treat it and usually has a good outcome specially with low risk types. The high risk types are those which are larger than 2 cm in size, or those near eye, nose or ear and those which have an ill-defined border and those which are in immunodeficient patients eg. post transplant patients. Treatments: Mohs surgery, radiotherapy+plastic surgery, cryotherapy. There is a risk of recurrence and may need treatment again. Avoid UV radiation.
    With good management and early treatment, it would not be worrisome in majority of cases. Happens mostly in old people with white skin.

    I hope everything is ok and this was helpful.
    Would love too and thanks for invite, but I am working on something now and its a sad day for me. Sorry cant do the casual stuff today. sorry again, bro.
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