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  • Don't take me too seriously on that thread buddy.
    I was only messing about and not being serious. Having said that, India is strong in its own rights and there's no denying that.
    Those military ranking means nothing to me. All it ever does is to give people meaningless bragging rights!
    We have to understand, no country is perfect on everything, they all have its ups and downs.
    Cheers for the PM buddy.

    I am unable to respond to your PM as I've not made 700 posts yet!
    Yes We all know about him, he is extremely anti-china and we don't really take him seriously when responding to him anyway.
    Too bad we have so many trolls around here, he was just one out of the many. We have so many false flags, Chinese, Indians and Pakistanis trolling too. I guess that is the price to pay for being a member of an active international forum.

    You take care now and speak soon.
    Your embassy will be informed on request and their representative can be there to observe your interrogation. You will be given the same legal rights as anyone else. That being said, foreigners usually get off easy on everything except severe crimes like drug smuggling, rape and murder.
    i just got an infraction. yar this lady troll is so cheap. i wonder sometimes how can a women be so cheap n ugly.
    The thread starter has not posted anything wrong technically.. but has been told so by pm to be careful.
    If you're the kind of person that gets 3 or more games a year then buy it. The campaign is okay. I think the multiplayer is crap so I'll have to wait for Battlefield 3. The graphics are still great though.
    Not anymore. Games are supposed to look better on the PS3 since it's more powerful but these days developers have realised that Xbox is simply a bigger market and are spending more time on the Xbox versions of their games. I can tell you honestly that I've played Battlefield, MW2 and Black Ops on both platforms and Xbox looks slightly better. The difference is almost negligible but couple that with a great online service and Xbox wins. Not to mention most of my friends play on Xbox and I really enjoy the party chat feature.

    You should. Xbox is waaaaay better. I'm even thinking of selling my PS3 since I don't even use it that much anymore.
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