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The Pakistani Night - A Priceless Gem

Gasherbrum IV (The Face) , 7925 m, Pakistan:


By Rizwan Buttar. Link to original image.
just made me realize how lucky we are,

we have 5 of the world 14 most tallest mountains (above 8000 meters)

K2 8611 m

Nanga Parbat 8126 m

Gasherbrum I (also known as Hidden Peak) 8080 m

Broad Peak 8051 m

Gasherbrum II 8034 m

yeah man, we also have the worlds biggest irrigated system :), one of the worlds biggest gold mines and salt mines
just made me realize how lucky we are,

we have 5 of the world 14 most tallest mountains (above 8000 meters)

K2 8611 m

Nanga Parbat 8126 m

Gasherbrum I (also known as Hidden Peak) 8080 m

Broad Peak 8051 m

Gasherbrum II 8034 m
We are lucky indeed.

Our homeland has more areas with pristine, unpolluted night skies (technically known as Bortle 1 locations and denoted by the color black in light pollution maps) than many countries, some of them much larger than us.

I have uploaded quite few pics from here don't copy the link from the site just copy the link from the direct link option on the left or right where your pics is if it's from image shack and then wrap the image tags around it.

here is your direct link and the pic


and then wrapped with the image tags -
you can see the pic below...


Many Thanks to you madam :)

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