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Strategy World reports on the exclusive JF-17 package for RSAF

I think it's Trumps comment on the KSA threat to get their 700b out following the bill making them liable for lawsuit by 9/11 families. He said that the US institutional buyers would be making money if the KSA does it. As for Mayor Guiliani, I know that he's not anti-Muslim..

Sir, Mr. Trump is a smart guy. Before he became the President Elect, he was an international businessman. I am sure he knows a few rich people from KSA and is on good terms with them. He also has a lot of investments in the ME area from what I've heard. Pre-election and post-election people are two very different people. Before he was a candidate, now he is the President (elect till two more months). So now you'll see him making policy statements. I personally believe with his business mind, we may be looking at a very high growth period for the US economy in the next four years. He can for sure make it happen. And if the US economy is going up, the entire globe's economies are going up with it. Thanks
I am not sure why won't they go for f16's but anyway good luck.

Because the F-16 is dying, the production plant is shutting down and this plane is much cheaper.

Nope, windy, you cant convince me that SAAUUDS are going to guy the thunder. I'll believe it when i see it. I have a ligitimate reason not to believe.

The way they screwed an almost sealed deal i.e. the Alkhalids, while HIT was making arrangements to ship the first batch, i was shocked!

It would be better for PAC to force them to sign a guarantee that theyll not cancel the contract midway, if not, just hush them away.

Damn right.

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