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Prophecy of ISIS/ISIL/IS


Apr 23, 2015
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I'm going to repost the hadith. There are people who say its weak without understanding mustalahal hadith. A hadith that is daieef can be sound. For example, a rawi with a weak memory but is sadiq. The rawi may have related the hadith as he heard it correctly.

Nu’aym b. Hammad records in his Kitab al-Fitan (The Book of Tribulations):

عن علي قال: إذا رأيتم الرايات السود فالزموا الأرض ولا تحركوا أيديكم ولا أرجلكم! ثم يظهر قوم ضعفاء لا يوبه لهم، قلوبهم كزبر الحديد، هم أصحاب الدولة، لا يفون بعهد ولا ميثاق، يدعون إلى الحق وليسوا من أهله، أسماؤهم الكنى ونسبتهم القرى، وشعورهم مرخاة كشعور النساء حتى يختلفوا فيما بينهم ثم يؤتي الله الحق من يشاء

“It is related on the authority of ‘Ali (may Allah ennoble his countenance): ‘When you see the black flags, remain where you are and do not move your hands or your feet (It’s a common phrase meaning: “Stay put and don’t get involved in the fighting”). Thereafter there shall appear a feeble folk to whom no concern is given. Their hearts will be like fragments of iron. They are the representatives of the State (Ashab al-Dawla). They will fulfill neither covenant nor agreement. They will invite to the truth, though they are not from its people. Their names will be agnomens [i.e., Abu So-and-so], and their ascriptions will be to villages. Their hair will be long like that of women. [They shall remain so] till they differ among themselves, and then Allah will bring forth the truth from whomever He wills.’”

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The hadith source it there for you to check it out. I merely highlighted the similarites for those who can't comprehend. Fyi, do deny a hadith of nabi as'salaathu was'salaam without even bothering to check it out, you make a statement against yourself!

Foe those who have a problem reading and those who are not able to check out sources. Youtube of Sheikh Hamza Yousuf (Sunni Scholar)

I don't care about this idiot or any Western scholar. No such hadith exists in the book. :lol:
I have tried to post a Youtube and Sheikh Hamza Yousuf is a Sunni scholar. Just because some ignorant person says it's not a hadith, it does not mean it's true! Let ALLAH judge them on Qayyamah for those who accuse nabi as'salaathu was'salaam as ''lying''!

So if hadith is real, post the original arabic hadith.
So if hadith is real, post the original arabic hadith.

Just ignore, the book itself has many inauthentic narrations. But the one in OP doesn't even exist in the book itself. So not much we can do to change his mind. There aren't many authentic narrations on political end times events and the ones that are authentic, they will only give us broad prophecies.
Just ignore, the book itself has many inauthentic narrations. But the one in OP doesn't even exist in the book itself. So not much we can do to change his mind. There aren't many authentic narrations on political end times events and the ones that are authentic, they will only give us broad prophecies.
Hey plz do tell if the "ghazwa-e-hind" hadith exist or not ?
Maybe brother you're a Muhadth and can classify hadith in classifications accoriding strength. I have given you a Youtube of a very repsected Sunni Scholar and he's quoting the same hadith from kithab-Al Fithin. Now, you have two sources and you deny both and what more can I do?

There is no way of uploading scanned files on here. Maybe this is a test for those who truly care to learn the din to go out and seek it!

Why? Is this not relating to what is going on In Syria? Are these not the same khawarij that are infecting the TTP?
Can a hadith only be characterised sahih if it's done by Al-AlBani? He's the one who ''claims'' to found daieef hadith in the sahih Sithah. Before anyone says anything, check the rank and status of all the six Muhadatheen!
brother Nu'aim bin Hammad, the author of the book is weakened by Abu Dawud, Al-Nasa'ee, and Al-Daraqutni.
Fake hadith that was created by Shia's in 2014 after they began realizing Assad regime will fall. No such hadith exists in Kitab Al Fitan. The armies at time of Prophet(SAW) also held black flags, sometimes white and black. At their time, their names also were 'Abu flan' or 'Ibn flan' and they also had long hair. Prophet himself had long hair. So this is utter fail at creating fake hadith.

That is how Arabs refer to each other. For example, if an Arab wanted to call on me he would say 'Abu' and then my fathers name. That is how you refer to oldest son in family.

@Saif al-Arab @JUBA

Where can one find authentic hadiths pertaining to the end times??
Where can one find authentic hadiths pertaining to the end times??

Al-Bidaya wa'l-Nihaya - ibn Kathir

Can a hadith only be characterised sahih if it's done by Al-AlBani? He's the one who ''claims'' to found daieef hadith in the sahih Sithah.

who told you that... did ibn Hajar, al-Dhahabi classify all the hadith in sahih sithah as sahih ?
Where can one find authentic hadiths pertaining to the end times??

There are some, but nothing will come out of it if we try connecting dots with current events happening today. A lot of Muslims(both Shia and Sunni) propagate idea that Syrian war is prelude to Mahdi or is important end times war. My personal opinion is that yes the war is mentioned in hadith, however I don't try assigning titles to anybody or predicting so and so will happen then Mahdi will come fight so and so and etc....

That won't work because things change very quickly. And we have to modify our previous predictions. Most of the hadiths are related to events that will happen very close or after Mahdi's emergence.
There are some, but nothing will come out of it if we try connecting dots with current events happening today. A lot of Muslims(both Shia and Sunni) propagate idea that Syrian war is prelude to Mahdi or is important end times war. My personal opinion is that yes the war is mentioned in hadith, however I don't try assigning titles to anybody or predicting so and so will happen then Mahdi will come fight so and so and etc....

That won't work because things change very quickly. And we have to modify our previous predictions. Most of the hadiths are related to events that will happen very close or after Mahdi's emergence.

which mahdi are you referring to the one who isn't born yet or the one who is hiding in the cave ( for thousand years) fearing for his life good for nothing coward...

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