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Pentagon expands Rail Gun weapons tests to Army Howitzer


Jun 19, 2014
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United States
United States
The awesome firepower of the Pentagon’s long-range Electro-Magnetic Rail Gun is no longer confined to the U.S. Navy.

Military officials may have found the perfect U.S. Army weapon to combine with kinetic energy technology: the Howitzer. Hyper Velocity projectiles (HVPs) originally envisioned for U.S. Navy destroyers are now being tested for Howitzers as a way of expanding its “target envelope.”

Promising results have prompted the Pentagon to consider additional weapons platforms.

“If you can destroy approaching enemy fire in a matter of seconds, it changes the calculus of fire support. You have really changed things,” Dr. William Roper, director of the Pentagon’s once-secret Strategic Capabilities Office, told Scout Warrior on Sunday.

Dr. Roper’s comments come just over two years since BAE Systems pitched the Army on pairing the technology with next-generation Bradley Fighting Vehicles. Developmental tests with Howitzers have validated the idea.

“We’ve been looking at the data and are very pleased with the results we are getting back,” Dr. Roper said.

The key for officials moving forward will be to produce “sub-caliber” rounds that are safe for personnel who deploy the weapon. The warheads currently travel up to 100 miles at roughly 5,000 miles per hour.

“We can defend against an incoming salvo with a bullet,” Dr. Roper said. “That is very much a focus getting ready for the future.”


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