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Iraq-US to sign deal for 24 AT 6 texan light attack


Feb 10, 2013
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شركة أمريكية تعلن عن قرب تجهيز العراق بـ "24 طائرة من نوع (AT-6)" وتصف الطيارين العراقيين "بالمحترفين"
المدى برس/ بغداد
أعلنت شركة بيج كرافت الأميركية لصناعة الطائرات، اليوم الثلاثاء، أنها تمتلك "عدة عقود" مع العراق لتجهيزه بطائرات ذات تقنيات حديثة، وكشفت أنها "ستجهز العراق بـ 24 طائرة من نوع AT-6" استجابة لطلبه، وفيما أشارت الى أن هذه الطائرات تستخدم "تقنية الليزر بأسلحتها لضرب الأهداف بدقة عالية"، وصفت الطيارين العراقيين بأنهم "محترفون وأخطاؤهم قليلة جدا وملتزمون بالقواعد".
وقال المدير التنفيذي لشركة (beechcraft) الأمريكية للطائرات الدفاعية، راز سمث، في حديث الى (المدى برس)، على هامش مشاركته في الدورة الثالثة لمعرض الأمن والدفاع والطيران الدولي في معرض بغداد الدولي وسط العاصمة، إن "شركتنا هي شركة متخصصة بصناعة الطائرات مزدوجة العمل وتستخدم في العمليات العسكرية وللنقل العسكري"، موضحا أنها "تمتلك عدة عقود مع الجانب العراقي من اجل تجهيز الجيش بطائرات أمريكية لدعمهم في مهماتهم القتالية".
وأضاف سمث أن "الطائرة mx15 التي عرضنا نموذجا عنها في معرض الامن والدفاع والطياران الدولي في معرض بغداد، هي نفسها التي تمتلكها المملكة المتحدة"، ولفت الى "إننا أخذنا بنظر الاعتبار بأن هذه الطائرات يجب ان تكون متلائمة مع طبيعة تدريب الطيارين العراقيين".
وبين المدير التنفيذي للشركة أن "العراق طلب 24 طائرة نوع (AT-6) وخلال الاشهر المقبلة ستكون جميع التفاصيل موجودة على العقد للشروع بتجهيز العراق بتلك الطائرات"، لافتا الى أنها "تستخدم أسلحة ذات تقنية الليزر من اجل تحقيق اقل خسائر وضرب الأهداف بدقة عالية".
وتابع قوله أنه "من خلال حديثي مع الحرس الوطني الذي يقوم بتدريب الجيش العراقي أكدوا بان الطيارين العراقيين ممتازين جدا ولديهم احترافية لاسيما التزامهم الدقيق بالقواعد بالإضافة الى ان أخطاءهم قليلة جد
Isn't that Texan which supposed to be a trainer? Hmm...


That's a Texan bird for real!
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Ministry of Defence again in Czech to buy single seat L159 2nd hand for fast delivery LAAR/CAS.

That will most likely drop the planned deal for 24 AT 6.


AT 6 Texan



Iraq should never have gone after the Serbian Lasta or the L-159. Both are crappy. The best option is the AT 6 Texan.
Iraq should go for F22 raptor

L159 2nd hand is cheap with rapid delivery that does the job which is the requirement
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Iraq should go for F22 raptor

L159 2nd hand is cheap with rapid delivery that does the job which is the requirement

The Congress is banning the export of the Raptor, otherwise the Japanese, the Australian, and the Israelis would have got it. :lol:

The L159 is a crappy trainer. Expect tens of crashes from it.
The L159 is a crappy trainer. Expect tens of crashes from it.

No not for training, Korean T50 and T6 texan are for fighter pilot training

1 seat for light attack, buying new AT 6 will take years for delivery, this 2nd hand deal would allow for air attack in a few within a month which is needed.
No not for training, Korean T50 and T6 texan are for fighter pilot training

1 seat for light attack, buying new AT 6 will take years for delivery, this 2nd hand deal would allow for air attack in a few within a month which is needed.

I don't think the delivery of the AT 6 will take several years, but for some reason, the US appears to be delaying the delivery of Iraqi weapons.

We ordered 152 f-15SA with a delivery that will take place from this year to 2019.
I don't think the delivery of the AT 6 will take several years, but for some reason, the US appears to be delaying the delivery of Iraqi weapons.

We ordered 152 f-15SA with a delivery that will take place from this year to 2019.

Theres no delay, theres Iraqi officials giving false dates of delivery while the US kept 2014 as the official date, all according to schedule*.


That coming from 'DJ elliot' who analyzes it all so, he knows better
Theres no delay, theres Iraqi officials giving false dates of delivery while the US kept 2014 as the official date, all according to scheme.
scheme? sounded you were talking about money.

Why Iraq never tries to buy any military hardware from Turkey ? We have various platforms.....:what:

I don't have any idea but I read Iraq-Turkey military attache visit/relations something on Iraqi military forum a few days ago, but not more details given. Earlier they were talking about a deal with Egypt/Iran, Iran is off since their sanctions, maybe they are looking of Turkey now also. Regional states, I guess for tank/mortar/artillery shells and maybe armored APC's vechiles.

APC's can be bought from Turkey instead of the Eastern European states, even though relations with AKP are not good, APC's shouldn't be an issue since the other economic co-operation isn't either.

Better for IRAQ to buy:
50 Super Mushak
50 K-8s
50 JF-17 block-IIs

I don't think the delivery of the AT 6 will take several years, but for some reason, the US appears to be delaying the delivery of Iraqi weapons.

We ordered 152 f-15SA with a delivery that will take place from this year to 2019.

Better for KSA was to join in the EF-2000 Program and procure 300 Typhoons and also add money in the start of T-50 with Korea to have some in their fleet.
Better for IRAQ to buy:
50 Super Mushak
50 K-8s
50 JF-17 block-IIs

Better for KSA was to join in the EF-2000 Program and procure 300 Typhoons and also add money in the start of T-50 with Korea to have some in their fleet.

We already are a member of the ET-2000 program ...

I don't believe we need the Korean trainer though ...

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