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Hunza Valley: A whole new spectrum of colours


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom

Royal Garden, Hunza.
Pakistan is one of the few countries with such a dynamic landscape; rivers, deserts, lakes, waterfalls, springs, glaciers we seem to have it all in great abundance.

The much renowned Hunza valley is often referred to as heaven on earth, enveloped in the grand Himalayas and the Karakoram mountain ranges, this place has been a great tourist attraction for many years.

For me it all happened when I was 22 years old and left the home without telling anyone and reached Gilgit. I did not know where to go from Gilgit; stranded, I heard a bus boy calling the passengers for Hunza. I had heard of Hunza, so I hopped the bus and I could only paint pictures in my mind of what was coming next.


Autumn in Hunza valley.

The view at night.

Blossom in Hunza.


Ganish village in Hunza.


Baltit fort.


Autumn in Hunza valley.

View of Rakaposhi.
I visited Gilgit, Astur and Hunza in June 2014, it was a remarkable gourney especially by road.
I have been to Karim Abad ....It's wonderful ....like a fairy tale !

I honestly believe it to be the most beautiful city in the world and I would love to see someone refute this claim.
I honestly believe it to be the most beautiful city in the world and I would love to see someone refute this claim.
And Hunza Water is like drinking elixir ...before going to bed ...awesome deep slumber follows !
And Hunza Water is like drinking elixir ...before going to bed ...awesome deep slumber follows !

You mean THE Hunza Water? Or the just Hunza water?
You mean THE Hunza Water? Or the just Hunza water?
The Hunza Water ....they make it outta grapes, apricots and Desi Gurr ....yummmyyyyy .....man ..I am thirsty now :cheers:
The Hunza Water ....they make it outta grapes, apricots and Desi Gurr ....yummmyyyyy .....man ..I am thirsty now :cheers:

I know :p Do you know what its secret ingredient is? The one that made you sleep so deep? :D
Hunza water is the local wine :D If you want the really REALLY good stuff head over to Chitral. Those guys brew their own moonshine :woot: 90% alcohol, will burn right through your throat before it even reaches your stomach.



So this is the reason why you were singing 'Mary had a little lamb' in the middle of the night in Lahore while wearing a pink tutu and nothing else ! :unsure:
Hunza water is the local wine :D If you want the really REALLY good stuff head over to Chitral. Those guys brew their own moonshine :woot:
I know it's their local wine ...but you just can't call it wine ....:p: .....hehehehe ......I have been to Chitral ....I have seen most of the Pakistan ....and let me share you one thing ....My all time favorite combination would be a Baluchi Sajji with a jug of Hunza Water .....you may find me the next morning sleeping in apricot orchid with a hen :rofl:
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