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China plans to deploy J20 at Tibetan in 2018, India plans for the worst!

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Jan 6, 2012
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Said china will deploy 2 squadron of J20 at Tibetan in 2018.
【环球网综合报道】2012年10月11日,“亚洲时报在线”网站刊登美国和平研究所(USIP)资深研究员纳姆拉塔-哥斯瓦米(Namrata Goswami)博士撰写的文章《中印之战死灰复燃》 (Ashes of Sino-Indian war stay warm),该文回顾了1962年以来中印边界争端的发展脉络,分析了中印在边境地区的军力对比,建议双方采取对话方式解决边界纠纷。现将文章主要内容编译如下:







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The deployment of J-20 by China is insinuated by USIP and tell India to prepare for the worst and buy more arms from the US. :lol: Good business sense, I suppose.
For what ...countering India....

still you looking India is your Enemy..

I think Chinese Leaders Future plans are How to counter India with new weapons..


How to boost our Relation with India..

Good Luck China..Hope that copycat works well
J 20 will be a trainer aircraft just like their AC. nobody will be given access to it nor will it be bench marked in shows ...

the capability of this aircraft will meet the same pomp and circumstance like the AC got- only to be capable of being a trainer aircraft in reality.

That's the Chinese military hardware, great claims of awesomeness made for internal consumption but rest of the world is not allowed to ' truly' benchmark it.
So China now officially considers India as its major military enemy, not USA.
J20 will be put in service before 2018. As to it's deployment to Tibet or not, we wait and see. If our relationship keep improving, the deployment possibility shall diminish. Deployment at east coastal will be it's top priority.
J20 will be put in service before 2018. As to it's deployment to Tibet or not, we wait and see. If our relationship keep improving, the deployment possibility shall diminish.

You can keep j-20 in service like your casino is in service but dont have aircraft :rofl: ..

F-22 is struggling with problems and russians are atleast 5-6 years away from clearance and chinese are ready to deploy their 5th gen fighter :rofl: :rofl:
You can keep j-20 in service like your casino is in service but dont have aircraft :rofl: ..

F-22 is struggling with problems and russians are atleast 5-6 years away from clearance and chinese are ready to deploy their 5th gen fighter :rofl: :rofl:
At least you should pay due respect, Chinese always make it faster than you think.
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