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Blacks must demand separate state from US

If Americans like Dana Rohrabacher can demand independence for virtually every state in Pakistan we can support the black panthers and other such groups too. Infact someone should do so so that the Americans know what it is like to fund warlords and militias in other countries. America is an evil society which we wish crumbles. It is built on the ashes and bones of native Indians and blacks.

Pakistan should funnel weapons to Ferguson
Everyone was happy before the white man came !

Yes. This story proves it! :D


Indian Chief "Two Eagles" was asked by a white U.S. Government official, "You have observed the white man for 90 years. You have seen his wars and his technological advances. You have seen his progress, and the damage he has done."

The Chief nodded in agreement.

The official continued, "Considering all these events, in your opinion, where did the white man go wrong?"

The Chief stared at the government official for over a minute and then calmly replied: "When white man find land, Indians running it, no taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, clean water. Women did all the work, medicine man free. Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing, all night having sex"

Then the chief leaned back and smiled "Only white man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that."

Oh this happy planet,there were no wars,no aztezcs ripping hearts from their prisoners chests,no northern american indians scalping other northern american indians in violent turf wars,no wars in Asia ,no mongols sacking 2 continents,no Japanese invading Korea,no muslim states expanding by the sword and slave trding,no Tatars enslaving Europeans....Everyone was happy before the white man came !

Brilliantly expressed.

The entire pretense of "white-caused" grievances have been used one too many times to justify crime and disorder, many times in which those who are most hurt and further ostracized by this polarizing mindset end up being the minorities themselves.

White people also brought them over from Africa and slaved them.

Why should past deeds be the rationale for present circumstances? By this principle, the United States should immediately cut relations (and declare war) with Japan, Germany, Mexico, Panama, and even Canada.
Why should past deeds be the rationale for present circumstances? By this principle, the United States should immediately cut relations (and declare war) with Japan, Germany, Mexico, Panama, and even Canada.

Arabs sold more slaves from eastern Africa than what happened on the western coast. And there were more blacks sold in Brazil than in USA. But that's okay, right? :D
Although there is no reason to have a very favourable opinion of the blacks, specially in their current form, but the current global order is overwhelmingly Anglo-Saxon Protestant Christian, and they don’t exactly hold anyone (inculding Bharityas) in high regard. .

@mike2000 is back

Yo Anglo-Saxon!! ..seems you guys are still running the show!

May I blame you guys for all the black problems in the US? Pretty please??
We can give you an island or two in the Caribbean in return.
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Arabs sold more slaves from eastern Africa than what happened on the western coast. And there were more blacks sin in Brazil than in USA. But that's okay, right? :D
Lol its because to some anti western zelouts here you are not 'Anglo Saxons'. , So you are ok, doesn't matter if you ARABS sold far more slaves than we 'anglo Saxons'. :D
Two nation theory zindaabad!
Only works for Natives, blacks have plenty to choose from in Africa, same for whites with Europe and Russia. Only Native Americans have the right to a so called Two nation theory, everyone else are invader colonists.
how about a plane ticket to Haiti or Somalia and $10,000. should be able to live like Kings and Queens in their new homeland.
Slavery happened 150 years ago, get over it.
I am getting quite sick of these black threads and these racist posters here.
Blacks even if they wanted to CAN'T LEAVE :usflag:

Bharat should support the noble cause of fuelling black resentment against US. Really?

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