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Pakistani workers in Afghanistan beaten and deported through Chaman


Jul 12, 2014
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Just saw this video on facebook defence.pk page, can anyone post it here? Not sure how but seem like few Pakistani labourers do work in Afghanistan and they were beaten and deported despite valid visa.
they beat our people rob them off their belongings takeaway their passports yet they call us cruel for closing the border gate.first burning of our flag and now this there will be a backlash form Pakistan too just wait till December when we will start sending afghan refugees back like cattles
Actually shows the quality of these people and what these goons really are. I never had a good feeling for these Afghanis, they kill each other, they kill others without any reason, they kill for money and heroine, live in myths of eating meat as some superior custom and the most unthankful and indifferent people on earth.

They also have a lot of complexes about their identity. Today all they have is a failed, destroyed country! Anyway, poor chaps these laborers are.
Just saw this video on facebook defence.pk page, can anyone post it here? Not sure how but seem like few Pakistani labourers do work in Afghanistan and they were beaten and deported despite valid visa.
Yes there are some Pakistanis workers who live right on the border and go to Afghanistan for part-time temporary work sometimes.
A lot of Pakistani high skilled laborers work in Afghanistan, on government contracts. Even though they technically have government protection, they're regularly harassed and tortured by Afghan police and army. Pakistan has, in the past, kept quiet, because it wanted to keep Afghanistan happy, but things are changing rapidly.
I hope we close this border forever let these basterds die harsh death of starvation
well we can boot their nationals out in millions..so why arent we doing it? be like Nazi Germany...strip them of wealth and deport them..
Maybe some Afghans got angry after reading all the abusive words Pak members spew out against them here on PDF.
It seems like Pakistanis are easy targets everywhere!!!
of course thy can see it on internet and pakistanis can not see their ministers on TV right?
I am sure you can.
Afghans need not worry though as even if the Pakistanis go physical and attack them in Pakistan, Pakistani Army will treat them in Pakistani hospitals paid for by Pakistani taxpayers. 360 win for the Afghans.
See that's why people don't take you guys seriously :D
What these Hashish smoking bachey bazz dont know is that we can beat 1000 Afghanis for every Pakistan since we have millions of them....but wait, we are human
I am sure you can.
Afghans need not worry though as even if the Pakistanis go physical and attack them in Pakistan, Pakistani Army will treat them in Pakistani hospitals paid for by Pakistani taxpayers. 360 win for the Afghans.
See that's why people don't take you guys seriously :D
cant agree with you more
we have been living under limelight of US and thus "humans Rights" Radar since long ago
we welcome you to the group now when CNN and BBC have picked Kashmir
but as with Afghans
no one is going to ask them shit

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